The Promise

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It's been 10 years Min Yoongi 10 years since you left me.....
(Flashback 10yrs ago Jimin was 7 yoongi 9)
"Hyung let's play in the forest hide and seek"
"Only one time chimchim hyung is tired"
"Yay"I smiled to myself because I love playing hide and seek with yoongi hyung.we walked to the forest and I said "yoongi I'm gonna go hide start counting" I ran to go hide but I accidentally tripped over some branches and landed on my face causing me to scratch my lip and it started bleeding I suddenly stood up and said "I'm ok" I was staring to walk away again when suddenly he pushed me against the tree and he started to get closer to my face and I noticed that his eyes were a deep blue, and he had sharp teeth he seemed to be growling he got close to the point that our noses were touching each other he looked at my lip and leaned in, what he did next surprises me he licked my lip and looked at me in the eyes and said "I love you" those 3 words that I couldn't return at that time I was too shocked to speak so he said "if you don't say anything ill kiss you" i couldn't speak so he kissed me but it felt wrong but yet so right then he pulled away and whisper in my ear "mine, your mine" he got close to my neck and licked it "y-oongi what are you doing" he just covered my mouth and said "I'm making you mine" I felt a sharp pain in my neck and cold liquid run down my neck to my chest. After he was done he looked at me and said "don't say anything about this to anyone" I nodded but then a deep raspy voice that came from behind us said "oh no worries jiminie, you won't see yoongi ever again because he is getting killed for touching the prince I thought you knew better prince min or should I say prince of the vampires?" those were the last words before he started to pull my yoongi away from me I cried and tried to stop him but he just kept on pulling yoongi away then yoongi said "took you long enough jongin you guys are step brothers when will you learn that you guys can't be together! Why is it so wrong for me to be with the prince he is not like you guys HES HUMAN! Jimin I swear I will come back for you I promise we will get through this"And like that I saw the love of my life disappear right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it after all I was still a child, yoongi escaped after those words my brother well half brother we are not related you see my family are demons the royal family of demons and I was born from both of pure blood demons but I am a human my brother he is just another pure blood demon they got instead to take my place in the throne but he's possessive over me back then I didn't understand why.... it's been ten years since I last saw yoongi the pure blood young vampire prince.

Hey everyone I'm back (☝︎ ՞ ՞)☝︎ HEHEHE anyways I hope you enjoyed the introduction of this book called the promise please support me by voting and reading And remember daddy loves y'all 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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