14-The Trials of St. Valentine

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Meanwhile, in the library, Samantha, Peter and Remus were doing anything but studying.

"Look here" Remus muttered, slinging a copy of the Daily Prophet on the table, over the top of the older ones Samantha was looking at.

"In the World News sector. Near the back. Magizoologists worried after Acromantula nest found desolate."

"B-Bloody hell" Peter stammered.

"So what's that we've found?" Samantha asked. "Since the start of term? Thunderbirds, Wampus, four species of dragon, and now Acromantula. Places where wizards knew there were populations, suddenly and surprisingly found destitute."

"Lots in America, as well" Remus chipped in. "However this is happening, it's inter-continental."

"But who? And why?" Peter asked, sounding slightly frantic.

"Who do you think?" Remus snapped, sounding slightly scathing. "Gellert Grindelwald's followers have just about died out in America. And You Know Who is gathering followers here, don't you know. With all these dangerous creatures on the hit list, I can't think of who else it could be."

"You think those boys are working for You Know Who?" Peter gasped, as he was quickly shushed by the other two. "Are they...Death Eaters? In Hogwarts?"

"Oh, Peter, do shut up" Remus snapped. "Don't worry so much. They won't be Death Eaters. Dumbledore wouldn't ever allow it."

"But they're still doing something" Samantha pointed out. Remus nodded.

"They are."

At that point, they were interrupted by a rather breathless James.

"Guys" he gasped, leaning on the bookshelf for support. "Do you know where the book is that has the spell in that turns an ordinary letter into a Howler?"

"It'll be in Advanced Charm-Casting" Remus replied promptly, as Peter scrambled up from his chair to help James find the book.

"What are you planning?" Samantha asked, ever quick on the uptake. James winked at her.

"None of your business, Sammie. Unless you're wanting to help."

"Shove off, Potter" Samantha scoffed. "I like my clean school record, thanks."

"Awwwww!" James giggled. "You've got such low expectations of me, Samantha Spinnet..."

"Don't we all?" Remus cut in jarringly. "Go get your book, James. We're working."

"You're not!" James retorted, smirking. "Anyway, Peter will get it for me. What are you after all the Prophets for?"

Peter had already scuttled off, and Remus exchanged a glance with Samantha.

"We're looking at all the Prophets from the start of the year" he explained to James. "Trying to see if we've missed anything vis a vis magical beasts disappearing. So far, we've found that well known populations of Acromantula, Thunderbird, Wampus and four different species of dragon have all fizzled out since term began."

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