Sickening Cold

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     Loki gulped feeling a sick coldness sink over him. He had a look of stunned horror on his face. It was cold, way too cold for him. Even in his heavy winter jacket and being part frost giant. This wasn't average whether cold; it was blood freezing, regret, stress, and horror. His heart was slowing down, his green eyes frozen wide open and his lips chapping from it. He felt like he had a sword pointed at his throat and this time it didn't make him happy to be payed attention to.  He knew what he had done, he was filled with sickening regret, felt on the edge of breaking down. He couldn't let anyone know that though. What had brought this on though?

    "I win." The green ghostly child in front of him said, it echoed. "I changed, you lost." Loki felt like he was choking and couldn't breathe. He was gasping for breath, but, the cold feeling in his lungs made him struggle. "And now you die, too, Ikol. Just like everyone else you murdered." Loki wanted to scream and yell about being called Ikol. It was a reminder, this wasn't his body, he had taken it from his own child self. The Loki that everyone liked. But then again, he had to "cease to exist" in order for the fear crown to become powerless. Loki felt something warm on his neck.

   "No, no." He choked. He felt like he was trapped in a box. He got a breath of air in and screamed.

    "Loki!" Verity's panicked voice came through to him. He could breathe and gasped. He felt something up against his neck. It was round and smooth. Verity's hand was there too, pressing very lightly. Loki rolled over on his side and started coughing, he slowly sat up as he felt something run down his chin and cheeks. Verity looked at him terrified. "Loki, what the hell was that?" She said. Loki wiped his chin and cheeks finding blood on his fingerless gloved hand. Loki looked around trying to remember where he was. It was his apartment he figured out. Tears still slowly dripping from his eyes in pain.

    "I-I." He stuttered. "Nothing. It was nothing." He closed his eyes and shook his head. Loki forced himself up and then sat down on the couch.

     "Lair." Verity huffed seeing right through that lie. "I don't need the ability to see through any lie to know that." Verity sat next to him fiddling with the smooth healing stone in her hands. "'I didn't want to kill him' how is that nothing? You kept saying 'Ikol' too. I don't know what the hell happened to you in your past lives or something but, it doesn't sound too good." Loki rubbed his neck feeling a bit of an indentation from a wound, a deep one too. "I know you just had your throat slashed but, what happened to you? Why are you so messed up now?"

    "My past is catching up with me." Loki said as he coughed up a bit more blood that had made its way in his lungs.

     "Who's Ikol, Loki?" Verity asked as she saw him visibly shudder shaking off the cold of near death.

     "Me." Loki looked down. "I'm Ikol. I'm the echo of a magpie. I killed a young boy that was myself. I regret it now. But if I didn't, the world could have been destroyed." Loki sighed.

    "But, you're right here." Verity said confused.

     "Yes, I am." Loki leaned back. "But, he isn't." Verity squinted and furrowed her brows. "My best friend, always so literal." Loki closed his eyes feeling tired. He sighed and sank back. Verity could only watch as her friend slowly drifted off. He slowly relaxed, his shoulders lowering and his facial features loosening. He looked as if he was getting paler and ridges started to appear on his cheek and forehead. His skin started to turn a blue hue and Verity's eyes grew wide. Loki kept his eyes closed and turned his head towards her. "I have so many secrets you don't know." He opened his eyes that had gone from green to entirely blood red. Verity gasped and backed up. Loki blinked and the blue and ridges disappeared. Melting away and turning back into his regular skin color and smooth young adult face. There were a few scars, of course, but, nothing too terribly noticeable. Verity covered her mouth.

    "Verity, I think it's best you get away from me and stay away. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want you see me go back to being as evil as I was before." Loki took her face in his hands. Verity noticed how cool his skin was. "I don't want to lose my best friend again, just because I did something bad. Leah, I can understand now. But, you aren't in my life because, you have to to make sure I repay my debt. You're pretty much just here. There would be no reason for you to get hurt or worse die because of me. Please, just go." Loki let go and saw the tears in her eyes.

    "I-I..." she stuttered. Verity put one hand on Loki's broad back then the other and hugged him.   "You're not going to become evil." Lie. "I'm not leaving my friend." Loki just sat there then eventually hugged her back with one arm.

    "And if I do?" Loki asked. "Then what?"

     "T-Then it depends." Verity choked on her tears. Her one best friend. Her maybe ONLY friend that (almost) never lied to her. She let go of him.

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