Bittersweet Memories

Start from the beginning

I shoved him into the seat, clicking his seat belt for him before shutting the door. I got into the drivers side, starting up the car just as the rain started to pour. 

"How wonderful." I groaned, throwing my head back and sighing before I prepared myself, driving out of the parking lot.

Jimin started to hum to himself, fiddling his hands around with the vents. He was a playful drunk to say the least, always having to be doing something with his hands, talking or singing, or doing an activity. He could never stay still.

As I drove to our apartment, the rain fell harder, now pouring heavily which caused my vision to blur. My windshield wipers were going as fast as they could, but still the road was hardly visible. It didn't help it was pitch black outside, no street lights on this road to help me find my way.

I felt Jimin sneak his hand into my thigh, and I tried my best to ignore him. His touch lingered, my voice scolding him to move his hand. He just leaned over and kissed my cheek, trying to reach my mouth.

"Jimin-ah! I'm trying to drive!" I said in a stern voice, but he only giggled. Good to know I intimidated him. Not.

My tires were slipping as I came to a stop at what I knew was a stop sign. I couldn't see the sign in this rain, but I memorized these roads like the palm of my hand.

I heard a beep behind me, making me roll my eyes as I moved the vehicle forwards. 

Damn impatient drivers, I'm moving, I'm moving! Aish, no patience anymore.

I moved forwards, hearing them beep repeatedly.

"What do you want!" I threw my hands up, but suddenly Jimins hand gripped my thigh tighter than ever. I looked to his side, only to see headlights right by his window.

"Y/N" He whispered my name, and within a second the truck ran into his side.


I regained consciousnesses, head throbbing as I opened my eyes. My head was pointed towards the roof, only now it had red splattered on some parts of it.

I blinked a few times, eyes not fully regaining vision. I could hear loud sirens in the distance coming closer and closer, making my head hurt even more. The rain was pouring, I could tell not only from the sound but from the wetness dripping onto my arm.

My eyes finally opened and I looked to my side to see my window no longer there, now replaced with one shard of glass remaining at the bottom, the rest outside on the ground.

It suddenly hit me what had happened and I then realized I still felt the grip on my leg.

I gasped, looking down to see Jimins bloody hand on my lap, holding me for fear life, except his grip was growing weaker. I looked fully to my side to see him in the worst shape. His legs were pinned under the seat of the car, his chest had glass sticking out of it, along with his head being bashed slightly on the side. His face was dripping with blood, clothes ripped. The truck had rammed right into his side, leaving him motionless.

He was still conscious, but barely. He was loosing too much blood and his injuries were far too much to sustain.

"Jimin!" I screamed, tears flowing down mixing with the rain and my own blood.

His eyes moved slightly to meet mine. He was still so beautiful despite looking like a horror movie package in one. 

"Y/N" He whispered, voice so faint I could hardly hear it.

"Jimin hold on baby, help is coming." I cried,grabbing his head in my hands, making him face me as much as he could.

"I love you baby." He whispered, voice cracking with pain and sadness.

"가지마, 가지마!" I screamed as I saw the life draining from his eyes.

"No! You can't leave me!" I screamed once more.

He shut his eyes, resting his forehead against me as he cried. I grabbed his hand that was on my thigh, clasping our fingers together tightly. He leaned in, kissing my lips gently before he became still, and I knew in that moment that my Jimin was gone.


"Y/N  " = Your Name

박지민 = Park Jimin

고맙습니다 = Thank You

 = Yes

너 미쳤어 = Are You Crazy? 

 가지마  = Don't Leave

Hello! This is my FIRST BTS story!

Let's hope it doesn't suck too much. Also I made the cover in like 5 minutes, so shh don't judge.

I will add some Korean words and phrases within my story (: Let me know if I ever make any mistakes. I am currently taking Korean courses, so I can only hope everything is correct or this may get reaall awkward.

Thank you so much if you took the time to read this, and I promise, it is going to get so much better. <3

I am way too emotional writing this so like. RIP readers. 

xx Tara | 타라

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