The 8th years' house

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Yeah so maybe not every other Sunday 😬 I was having a bit of writers block also I have this severe procrastination problem... so there's that.

Anyways I wanted to thank everyone for the the feed back. A few people comment on how Harry's jaw was sharper yes, Harry's jaw is sharper but I'm writing this fic in third person limited so it was Harry's opinion on Draco's jaw. Anyways I appreciate all the comments(drammma😂) so with out further ado chapter 2, enjoy ;)

As everyone headed up Harry drifted behind them his thoughts wondering to the previous events with Draco. His lips were so soft, and Harry decided he was starting to actually kiss back before Ron came over. Did Harry want him to kiss him. As Harry licked his lips Draco walked by his eyes darting to Harry's now wet lips.


The common room was a mix of the houses. The walls were Ravenclaw blue and they had Hufflepuff yellow curtains, the brick chimney was Gryffindor red and the chairs were Slytherin green. It was a bit of a mess of colors but it was a cozy mess of colors. Most everyone stayed in the common room to mingle and see who was back. Harry however went upstairs to shower and clear his mind of Draco. Harry set his trunk by his bed, looking over he noticed Draco's truck was by the bed next to him. Everywhere Harry went Draco seemed to follow, but this thought didn't seem to bother Harry. Right, Harry needed to shower. Harry walked off to the bathroom, pulled his shirt and pants off, turned on the shower and took off his boxers.


His shower was long but Harry didn't care, he didn't necessarily want to go back to common room and talk with everyone.

As Harry was wrapping his towel around his waist Draco walked into the bedroom. Looking for some comfy clothes Draco rummaged through his chest, pulling out a pair of sweatpants. Pulling his shirt off and tugging his trousers down he put on his sweat pants. His sweats hung low around his hips showing the top of his boxers, witch oddly enough were Calvin Klein. Harry walked out of the bathroom just in time to see Draco stretching. Harry stood there stunned, he was not expecting anyone to be in the dormitories let alone Draco. Draco finished yawning and took notice to Harry for the fist time. "Oh hi." He said. Harry didn't say anything, still in shock. "Erm are you going to say anything or just continue to stare at me?" Harry looked Draco up and down. "Your wareing Calvin Kleins." Draco tried to hide his blush
"Um... yeah?"
"There by a muggle company."
"Yes what's your point?"
"Your just so not... um mugglie..."
"People change, now in a separate note shouldn't you be wearing pants?"

Shit, he was still in a towel. He was also being to develop a boner.

"Yeah." Harry said flustered. "I'll erm... uh pants."
"You do that." Draco said pulling on a shirt.

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