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Kaitlyn's POV

"You look as good as the day I met you, I forget just why I left you, I was--"

"UGHHHH" I groan as I shove a pillow over my alarm clock.

"Shut the hell up, why must you insist on waking me from my deep slumber at such an ungodly hour just to walk through the gates of hell?" I mumble lowly.

"Kaitlyn Marie Steele..what have I told you about swearing?" I look towards my bedroom door to see my mother standing there, lips pressed into a thin line and hands on her hips.

"That if I swear I have to put a dollar into the swear jar." I say, making air quotes around 'swear jar'.

"Pay up." she smirks.

"Seriously?" I groan. All I said was hell!

She raises her eyebrow, challenging me.

"Fine." I grab a dollar from my wallet, which was sitting on my desk and drop it into her open hand, rolling my eyes.

"Good. Now get ready. You have half an hour until I leave."

I take a quick shower, though still washing my hair thoroughly.

After that, I blow dry it real fast, and brush out the knots.

Once i've done that, I decide to leave it down long and wavy, since I don't have enough time to straighten it.

I only have five minutes left, so I throw on a pair of skinny jeans with a white tank top and a black leather jacket, which I leave unbuttoned.

I quickly tie my black all star converses onto my feet, and apply some concealed under my eyes with minimal mascara. Then, I spray myself with perfume and put a small layer of lip gloss on.

I get my backpack, my phone, and my wallet, and rush down the stairs.

"Let's go!" my mom yells as she walks out the front door.

"Coming, coming." I laugh.

The car ride is short and for the most part, silent.

When we pull up to the school in front of me, labelled Rockview High School, I notice my nerves finally start getting to me.

I'm the new girl, what will they think about me?

Will I make a ton of friends, or will I be the outcast?

"Bye mom. Have fun at work." I wave as she pulls out of the parking lot.

Maybe I should tell you a little about myself.

I'm Kaitlyn Marie Steele, and yes my initials are KMS.

My favorite color is black and I like watching Supernatural and Bones.

My favorite food is salad, which is why you could classify me as 'looking-slightly-anorexic'

I'm not anorexic, I just look kinda anorexic.

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