Chapter 3

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I was in my own world. I had my headphones on while I leaned against the wall the laughter washing over me but not getting to my ears. My book was in my lap, unopened from my own balled hands, music relaxing me more than I thought.

I felt a small tap on my leg- more like my thigh, (they knew I hate being tapped there. Probably why they did it) and I slipped off my headphones. It took a minute for me to return from my beautiful haze that I wanted to stay in forever. I realized Abby was babbling mindlessly and not exactly getting to the point.

"-So I think we should play a game, right after we eat or something because I mean, it would be pretty fun. I think we should play a group game, like mind games? Yeah that would work."

I never had wanted to renter my reverie more than I just wanted to. Her rant had several run on sentences (like always. Maddy, Rose, and I were the ones good at writing.) and I noticed Maddy winced slightly after she processed the speech.

Well, that went well.

I clear my voice and get ready for disaster. Why did my voice suck? "Well you see," my voice sounds over the others in a smooth alto tone, "if we were to eat, we should now order the pizza. It's already 7:30." I shut my mouth as everyone considered it.

"That's a good point," Victoria chirps up. I nod and a soft knock is on the door.

"Girls you have a visitor," Mrs. Jones said lightly through the door. We've all been around long enough to hear the fret in her voice. The door opened, and our visitor stepped in.

Truth or DareOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz