Chapter 1

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"Mommy, Mommy!!" your little sister shouts, tugging at your mother's sleeve.
"What?" she looked down at her.
"Ally's trying to push me into the fire!!" she complains.
She sighed and looked over at the other girl, "Do you want us to push you in the fire as well?"
"No! I was just-"
Mother crossed her arms, "Then don't push your sister into the fire."
"Hey honey," your father said, crawling out of the tent, "I'm going to cook sausages now."
"Okay, but the fire's almost dead." your Mom replied.
"Then get [Y/n] to get some more." he said.
"But it's dark.." you pout.
"Just go get some. It'll only take a few minutes." he said.
"Fine.." you stood up, sighing. You began to walk away. It was actually relieving to get away from your obnoxious siblings.
The woods were quiet and the trees were still. As you walked on to collect firewood, you notice the nearby bushed begin to rattle.
Your heart begins to race with fear. Was is that madman who'd been around town lately?
Creeping silently towards the bush, the leaves under crunch your feet and the bush ceases to rattle. You freeze as well.
After seconds of silence, a small creature hops out from behind.
Taking a closer look at it, the creature turns out to be nothing more than a mere rabbit. You sign in relief and continue to collect firewood.
Soon enough, you walk back to camp. As you near camp, you notice something a bit odd. Your siblings were being too silent, and the crackling of the fire was inaudible too. Though it felt off, you continued to silently walk back to camp.
"Hey Mom, I got the-" you pause. There was no one at camp, and the fire had already died.
"Mom, Dad.." you whispered, stepping over a bush and a few logs. The grass shook, and you froze. There was a figure crawling out of your tent. It stood up, and chuckled a bit.
"Who.." you paused, "Who are you..?"
Immediately, the laughing stopped and the figure turned it's head towards you. It began walking closer.
The person was now standing uncomfortably close in front of you. He threw his hand onto your jaw and pulled you closer. He stared into your eyes, with his large, round eyes.
He was extremely scary. He had no eyelids or eyebrows, and he had a grin that stretched from ear to ear with blood running down his white cheeks.
"Why aren't you smiling?" he asked, "I am beautiful, aren't I?"
You remained speechless.
"I am beautiful!!!" his hand ran across your cheek, leaving a piercing numbness. You stumbled backwards.
He began laughing and walked closer to you, "Unlike everyone else, you're not a liar. You just can't speak when scared. It is scary to be encountered by someone so stunningly beautiful, right??"
You nodded frantically.
His laughter became cries, "That was a lie!! Why does no one think I'm beautiful???"
"H-How can you tell if someone's lying..?" you ask, shaking.
"It's easy!! All you do is watch how they act and speak!!" he yelled.
"O-Oh.. I-I'm sorry.." you apologized.
"Sorry?" he tilted his head in confusion, "Why are you sorry? No one's ever been sorry to me.."
"I-I'm just s-scared.."
"Why? I'm not scary, am I?"
"A l-little.."
"Oh.. Why is that? Why am I scary?"
"You j-just are.."
He tried to frown, but his lips only moved down slightly. "Am I ugly?"
"N-Not exactly.."
He tried to frown more, "I think.. Honesty is good.."
You remained silent.
After minutes of silence, he began speaking, "Was that your family?"
"H-Huh?" you inquire.
"The ones who were just here."
"O-Oh, yes.."
"Well then your mine." he grabbed your wrist and pulled you along with him down the street.
"Just because." your coming with me he laughed quietly.
This was a very confusing time for you. A random family camp out, and a crazy boy meeting you? It was almost as if you were the main character of a story...
He pulled you into a dark, desolate house and shut the door, barricading it. "Now, be cooperative and play with me alright??"
You nodded submissively and watched as he walked off.
A few minutes later, he came back with a soup, "Eat."
"N-No, it's fine, really.." you push the bowl away.
He frowns, shoving it back towards you. "YOU HAVEN'T EATEN YET, SO EAT!!"
"F-Fine.." you took the bowl and sat on the couch, beginning to eat. He sat on the couch uncomfortably close to you, just creepily gazing into your eyes.
You continued to eat, though feeling awkward as he stared at you. What was he looking at?
After finishing your food, you gave a gentle smile, "Th-Thanks.."
All of a sudden, a tingling sensation began to run through your body. You stood up, but quickly fell backwards onto the couch. "What did you do???"
"I just made sure things were going to go alright. I needed a slave afterall." he grinned larger.
"S-Slave???" you ask furiously. Your body had grown completely numb, and you were now unable to move at all.
"Yup. I just need to prepare a few things before we head off to the big house." he giggled, hitting you alongside the head with he metal bowl. Your world split and shook. As your vision went black, all you saw the boy's devilish grin. He seemed thrilled.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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