The First Night

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  (Oswald's pov)

  The sound of running water filled the bathroom. Edward sat in the corner with his arms wrapped around himself. I turned off the tap and  turned towards him. "I made it hot just the way you like it," I said. I remembered this from when I stayed with Edward. He'd sometimes leave the door cracked open and the steam would be so thick you could barely see.

  "Thank you," he mumbled. I walked out and closed the door.

  (Ed's pov)

  I walked out into the unfamiliar halls. I followed the sound of music into the sitting room. A record played softly in the corner as Oswald sat on the couch staring into the fire.  I came around and sat down next to him. It was quiet, except for the music. Oswald turned to look at me.

 "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded and wrapped my arms around myself. Oswald gave a sad smile. My body felt heavy and for the first time in a long time my brain was quiet. This was what it was like with Oswald, peaceful.

  "Tea?" He asked carefully. I shook my head. I didn't want anything in my stomach. Ever.

  "Well, why don't we get to bed," suggest Oswald. I nodded realizing that the heavy feeling in my body was the feeling of being tired which had been foreign to me for so long.

  (Oswald's pov)

  I pulled the covers back and put two pillows on the right side. I looked at Edward who was standing at the edge of the bed. His eyelids were heavy and he had large dark circles under his eyes. How long had it been since he slept properly? I got into the bed and motioned for Ed to do the same. He climbed in and turned on his side, facing me.

  He didn't even take a minute to fall asleep. I stared at him. In sleep all the timid anxiety disappeared and was replaced with peace. His hair was messy and still a little damp from his bath, he wasn't wearing is glasses so I could see the small crinkles by his eyes, and he smelled of the lavender soap that my mother used. I reached over and brushed a curly hair from his eyes. This was the Edward I knew. This was the one that saved me. This was my Edward.

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