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(hi! so this is nygmobblepot fanfic. I hope you enjoy!)

(Ed's pov)

I sat on the cold floor of the cell. Six months I had been here and it was no longer a challenge or a game. It was no longer fun. It was now what it was designed to be, a prison. My mind raced at night and buzzed all day. There was never any quiet and in turn never any sleep. I was never hungry and everyone was so unbearably...stupid.

Why hadn't Oswald come to get me? I had waited patiently for months, but he hadn't even come to visit. All I got from him was a sweater and some biscuits. Just gifts to make him feel less guilty about letting me rot here. However, the longer I sat here the more my mind would race to dark places, places where Oswald never cared at all.

Two months later:

(Oswald's pov)

I sat in the oddly dark visitor's room staring at the gaunt face that belonged to Edward.

"So," He said. His voice was impatient, bitter, and weak.

"Ed I'm sorry," I mumbled. I really was. I felt terrible for not coming sooner. I tried to make up for it by sending gifts, but I knew in no way would a sweater and some biscuits could make up for leaving Edward in here for eight months.

"You don't have to lie to me, Mr. Penguin, it's okay." Edward said looking down at his hands. I felt a pang in my heart. This was not Edward Nygma.

"I'm not lying, Ed, I'm truly sorry. I'm working to get you out soon as possible," I implored.My foot hit the bag I brought and I remembered my gift. I pulled out a little box and slid it across the table. "It's a puzzle," I explained, "I know you like those. Some say people have gone insane trying to solve it." As I rambled on he began to fiddle with it and I smiled. I the box gave a small click and my face dropped. Ed slid the box back towards me.

"It was a lovely thought," he said.

I looked down at my hands. "I promise, I'll get you out of here."

(Ed's pov)

I couldn't believe it. I stood staring at the shaky wreak that was now the head doctor at Arkham as he handed me a certificate. "I don't understand." Suddenly, a set of head lights flooded the gates with a bright glow. I smiled. He actually came. He wasn't lying.

I sat on the leather seats of the heated car and looked out the window as we drove farther and farther away from that hell-hole. "Thank you, I croaked finally without taking my eyes from the window. There was silence for a moment then,

"Dearest friend." I felt a hand on my shoulder, warm and comforting.

"I could never leave you there. I know all too well what Arkham can do to a man." I turned to Oswald who was looking at me with soft eyes. I felt a lump in my throat. Then without warning tears fell, hot and heavy. I could feel every emotion I'd suppressed for the last eight months. Anger, worry, fear, loneliness, and anxiety all came flooding forward all at once. My body racked with sobs as I covered my face with my hands. I found myself pressed against a warm body and my glasses being lifted from my face. I began to cry louder. I remembered how cruel it was. The things they said to me. The things they did to me. The feeling of another person felt so incredibly overwhelming.

"It's okay, they can't hurt you anymore," I heard Oswald say in a low voice. As my sobs subsided I sat, still hugging Oswald tightly. I never wanted to let go.

Finally, I felt the car lurch. Oswald lifted me up to look at my red, tear-streaked face. He gently place my glasses back.

"I-I'm s-sorry-"

"No need. come, let's get you cleaned up."

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