I looked between the both of them with a weary look and feeling. "I want a lawyer."

The grey haired man sighed and shook his head while pulling out his handcuffs. "Alexander Turner you are under arrest." He pushed me against the cold brick wall as he placed the metal handcuffs around my wrists. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?"

I kept my lips pursed, refusing to say a word. I wasn't even informed on what I was being arrested for. I know they don't have to tell me though. He didn't even have to read me my rights, but he did.

My head rested against the cold, glass window as I was being driven to the airport. Once we arrived I was put in an U.S. helicopter while still handcuffed.

Only three questions were in my mind the entire way back to NYC.

Is Majesty dead?

Did I kill my wife?

Will I be spending the rest of my life in prison?

I couldn't get a second of sleep on that loud helicopter. As soon as I stepped foot on the ground of the country known as land of the free, I was still handcuffed and taken to one of the many holding cells in New York.

After spending a day, almost two, in the cell my lawyer finally found his way to the jail to visit me.

"Good morning Mr. Turner." Allen greeted with a small smile. "How are you feeling? I brought you coffee. Black, the way you like it."

I sent him a weak smile as I reached for the hot Starbucks cup. "I could be better." I chuckled. A small sigh left his thin lips as he sat down across from me. His pale, almost transparent, hands placed a black tape recorded on the center of the table, causing me to furrow my eyebrows. "You're recording me now?"

"No, I'm not." He shook his head. "But the officers did."

I took a sip of my black coffee and listened to my deep chuckle echo throughout the bright room. I couldn't help but to laugh. The man was holding this tape recorder, not a gun.

"I just have one question." My voice came out rough since I haven't slept since the morning of January the 31st. It's now February 2nd.

"Yes Alexander?"

"How is she?"

"She's alive." A small smile was on his face. "She's here in the states now."

Sitting up in my seat, I suddenly felt somewhat better and relieved. "She's alive?" I asked I'm a state of shock. "H-how? And she's here?!"

"The doctors in Thailand used IV fluids to flush out the drug from the patient's system and reestablish the balance of fluids, minerals, and acids and bases of her body. Yes, she's here. After she was stated alive and the Demerol was flushed out of her system she was flown over here in an emergency helicopter. Mrs. Turner is currently in one of the hospitals having tests ran on her."

"Why is she still in the hospital? And which one?"

I found myself too interested in the topic although I'm the one who caused this.

"I'm sorry, I cannot tell you where she is located. I've said all I can about her." He seemed to be somewhat upset as he apologized. I gave a small nod and looked down at my hands. "Y'know... they ran multiple tests on her in Thailand and your DNA was found inside of her. Police also investigated the villa the two of you were staying in."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I still refused to look up. "Found my DNA inside of her?"

"You came inside of her Alexander." He sighed.

I slapped myself in the face multiple times, mumbling curse words and calling myself stupid. How dumb of me to cum inside of her!

"Calm down Mr. Turner." Allen stood from his seat and made his way across the table to where I was seated. "You don't want to get the attention of the guards outside."

I slowly looked up at my lawyer with tears streaming down my face. "Allen I-"

"Alexander, listen." He hushed me, giving my shoulder a small pat. "No matter if you did it or not, I will be sure you are free. That's why I'm your lawyer, right?" He raised an eyebrow, looking at me expectedly.

I chuckled and wiped my face with one of my hands. Why the fuck am I crying? I'm not a pussy. "How many years am I looking at?"

"The law says ten to fifteen. I say zero."

"Zero?" I laughed as our eyes met. He had the same smirk plastered on his face from when we first met a few years back. "I like the number zero."

"Me too Mr. Turner, me too."

• • •

Ok, but guys I was serious about the whole Instagram thing. Would y'all do it? 🌚

Alsooooooo.... How are you guys feeling about Alex?


Any confusion or questions?

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