The Worst Day

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The train comes and I get on it. I immediatly go into the bedroom all tributes get on the train. I lay down on the bed and take off the necklace I'm wearing. Annie made it for me, a few months after she won the Games. I start silently crying, remembering that day. We had fallen in love already, but I needed something to distract her from the arena. So I found her some rope. I gave it too her and she kind of stared at it, not knowing what to do with it. All of a sudden, she ran down to the beach, I ran after her. By the time I got there, she was digging around for something. I wasn't sure what, but she seemed happy so I let her be. A few hours later, she brought me a necklace made out of seaweed, a rock, and the rope.

"Thank you Annie," I had whispered. It truly was a beautiful necklace. I wore it everyday and right now was the first time I had ever taken it off. I miss Annie already and the very thought of her having to watch me die makes me sick. I don't mind dying, I've got no purpose in life. But if I die, Annie will fall apart. More then she already has. She won't be able to live. She'd probably kill herself. I lean over my bed and start puking. When I'm done, I lay back on my bed, all sweaty. I force myself up and force myself into the shower. I get sick again, but I can't stop thinking about Annie. I eventually give up and just sleep. My dreams are filled with Annie, her killing herself in multiple ways. These are the worst nightmares I've ever had. I finally awake. I want more then anything to go home. But no. I'm stuck going to the Capitol. The place that has memories I'd like to forget. I did get some sort of payment for what I did there though........ Something much more valuable then money.

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