Chapter Four

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Cameron's POV

I stepped out of the shower, wrapped myself in my awesome fluffy towel and walked into my room to search for an outfit for tonight.
Yep, it's that time of day, well night, again.
Time for my shift at the bar.
Today after Cindy made her exit, Jason got busy around back leaving me to attend to the counter. With an overflow of  customers, I had to stand up to work faster, but with my height and all,
Things got messy.
After cleaning and locking up, Jase and I went our separate ways. I drove home, showered and is now staring at my closet.

What to wear I thought while rubbing my chin.
Let's go classy I thought finally.
I pulled out my tiger print sleeveless blouse and my ocean blue short shorts, flower designed black stocking and my grayish brownish cloth jacket. After putting them on I paired it with tiger print wedge heels and some black bangles on my wrist.

Threw on my ocean blue felt hat with a tiger print ribbon going around it, sprayed on some perfume and deodorant. Then I took up my phone, some cash identification and threw them in my ocean blue clutch then booked my ass outta there.

I arrived at work and checked in at 7:28 on the dot.

"Early and ready to work as usual" Matt greeted me as I entered the bar area.

"Here and not wanting to leave as usual" I chuckled.

"What can I say, I love my job" he said raising his hands in emphasis.
I just shook my head.

We then switched places and he went his merry way.
Time to get cracking.


Five and a half hours later.

"Hey Cam!!"
What?! Did I just hear someone call me by my name?!?
Naah, I'm hearing things. This noise is getting to me. The base in the speakers got the place shaking and the customers screaming orders isn't really helping anything. I need to get some rest ASAP.

"Cam, your shift is over" I heard Jamie shout.
Oh good heavens! Hmm wonder if she was the one that called me earlier. "Hey, did you call me a little earlier?"
"Yea, I did but you didn't seem to have heard me"
Oh well that's a relief.

"OK, I'm out" I threw my hands up and quickly walked out. "Someone's in a hurry" I heard Jamie say as I was walking out.

I quickly signed out and walked out back towards my car. I pulled out my keys and began to unlock the door but then I heard shuffling.

Not making anything of it I got in my car and buckled up. Putting the key in the ignition, something blurred past the windscreen.

Well ok then.

Probably the lack of sleep finally getting to me I thought.
Turning the key, my baby came to life with a beautiful purr of a roaring lion. Checking my rearview mirrors, I began backing out of the parking lot then I saw a figure standing in the way. I slammed on the brakes and quickly got out of the car running to him. But by the time I got the door open he was gone.

I cursed under my breath. I really need to get some sleep.
Getting back in my car, I quickly drove home and locked up.
After eating and taking a shower, I plopped down in my bed ready for sleep to take over.


"Hey, you alright?"

"Yea, I'm great"  Lies.

"You sure? You look a little tired there"

" I'm chill Jase, are you alright? "

"I'm OK"  he said dropping the subject and walking away.

Bout damn time he took a hint. I didn't want to talk about my sleepless night last night.
After plopping in bed, I didn't sleep a wink. My mind kept flashing back to the parking lot with the guy. His dark soulless eyes should've creeped me out bt they looked awfully familiar. Familiar to eyes I'd rather not think about.
It was just my imagination.
Nothing to worry about I kept telling myself.

"Hey sweet thang"
I was currently at the parlor sitting behind one of the empty tables doing nothing.
Looking up I was met with a pair of golden yellow eyes.
I blinked then turned away.

"Playing hard to get I see" said the guy.
I rolled my eyes.
"C'mon babe, you know you want this" I assumed he was gesturing towards himself while saying that.
Arrogant much.

"Whats your name sugar?"
I just kept my head down. Damn guy needs to take a hint.

"Would you like to order something sir?" I asked politely.

"Yeah, you on a cone" he winked.
Back to ignoring him I guess.

"Everything alright here?" Jason finally intervened. Took him long enough.

"It's all chill brotha, little miss sexy over here just playing hard to get" he winked "but no worries, I'll have her under my charms before sundown. It always happens"

Damn cocky much

I kept my face blank and just stared at Jason. His face was turning red from holding back his laughter and he looked retard.

"Hey you alright bro?" Cocky yellow eyes asked.
That just set the dam free. Jason busted out laughing. He laughed till he looked lifeless on the parlor floor. I was ready to call an ambulance when he suddenly sobered up and punched the guy square in the nose.

Well then. That's a huge turn of events.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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