Chapter One

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"No mommy I don't want to leave you"

"Run! go!! hurry!!!"

" what will happen to you mommy?, whats happening?"

"I'll be alright sweetie, nothing is happening.... Now go on, I'll come for you soon"

"OK mommy"

I ran, and ran and ran and ran, Only stopping when I heard a gunshot. I froze. Who got shot?
Worried for my mommy I turned around and sprinted back to where she was. Half way there I realized she was laying on the forest floor and something around her was glinting in the moonlight. But she was alone so maybe she didn't get shot, she's just sleeping.

I still ran fast towards her hoping that it wasn't what I thought.

When I finally got to her, I realized it was exactly what I thought.

"Are you alright mommy?, who shot you?" I asked

"Run Cameron!! Why did you turn back?! You need to go!! Hurry!!"

"Your bleeding mommy! You got shot! Who shot you?!"

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll be alright. You need to go. NOW!! Go!! Hurry Cameron!! Run and never look back, run to our secret place!"

"But mommy your bleeding! you can die! Let me help you! Please mommy?!"

"Help me by running and going to safety! Don't stop with anyone, if you hear someone calling you don't stop, don't stop for anything you hear or see.... I'll come get you soon, I promise."

"But mommy-"

"No buts Camer-"


"What was tha-"

"Run!! Flee!!! Hurry Cameron!!! Go now!!"

I looked at my mother and the urgency and alarm in her eyes made me listen to her and I ran.

I ran as fast as I could, away from my mother. My bleeding mother.

The sound of water running made me know I was close to our secret place.


That was my mommy's scream. I skidded to a stop.

"Help me by running and going to safety! Don't stop with anyone, if you hear someone calling you don't stop, don't stop for anything you hear or see....I'll come get you soon, I promise."

My mother's voice ran through my head.

"Run Cameron, run for mommy" I thought to myself.

I began to sprint once again to our secret place. It was a deep crystal clear river with a beautiful fall coming from the west end. It was located in the middle of a meadow with luscious green grass and many colourful flowers which enlightened the place.
I quickly dived into the water and swam towards the fall. With a huge intake of air I went under the falls to our secret place.

A cave behind the fall.

Due to the quick and heavy flow of water, the cave was hidden behind the fall of the river.
Me and my mum had found it one day we went hiking when I was three. We were tired and thirsty and decided to take a drink and a swim. However the current was too strong for me and thus I went underwater many many many times. But one of the times I thought I had seen something behind the fall, I told my mum and she swam with me on her back to the fall. Turns out a cave was behind it. From then on, my mum and I claimed it our own.

My Side Of The StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora