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"I'm going to catch you!"

Something bad is going to happen.

"Caught you"
"That u did"
"Now where are my keys?"
"I know of no such thing"

Something bad is going to happen.

"Come on babe I need to go home, I don't want your parents thinking I'm a bad influence on you"
"But you are a bad influence on me"
"They don't have to know that"
She giggled. "I have the best parents, they'll understand."

Something is going to go wrong.

"There in my underwear drawer"
He gave her a weird face,"I don't want to know"
"Good, because I wasn't going to tell you."

Something is about to go wrong.

He picked up the jingling keys and began to walk out of his girlfriend's room.
She pulled him back and kissed him. When they broke apart she asked him "did you think I'd let you leave without a goodbye kiss?"
"I knew you loved me too much to let me go without" he smirked.
"Don't flatter yourself" she said while pushing him out of her room.

It's going to happen.
Something bad.

He drove out of the driveway, lost control of the car and crashed into a car two blocks from his girlfriend's house. Her perfect parents were the ones he crashed into. They all died on the spot.

I knew something bad was going to happen, no ones life can be that perfect.
There is no such thing as having perfect parents, no perfect boyfriend or girlfriend, no perfect neighborhood, no perfect job and no perfect life. Anything perfect is a figment of your imagination and can never be real. You thought things could be perfect, then you thought wrong.
Nothing is perfect. You want something, you gotta work for it. You need something, you gotta work for it. To make something happen, still gotta work for it. To achieve something, you most definitely have to work hard to get it.
Nothing is easy, nothing is perfect.

And nothing comes without a consequence.
                                 -Cameron King

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