School Mornings

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School Mornings


He will text you to wake you up and if that doesn't work he will call you. You two will talk for a bit before you remind him the reason he called you, he knows that if he gets off the phone you will go back to sleep so he will tell you to put him on speaker phone well you get ready. When your finally ready to leave you say goodbye and promise to FaceTime him after school. This some how always makes you get ready faster because you know that if you have extra time it will be spent talking with him.


He always sends you a cute text telling you how much he loves you and how he can't wait to see you after school. Once your fully awake and ready you text him back. You two text all day, never leaving a text from the other not responded to.


He knows your hard to wake up, but on school days you wake up fine. He always sends you a good morning text, so once your up and you've seen it you text him back. Once he gets it he FaceTimes you and you stay on FaceTime until you have to leave. You love this because his morning voice is the sexiest thing ever.


He skypes you to wake you up. You two talk until it's time for you to leave, you even have a little argument as you turn the computer to face your wall so you can change. He finds it adorable how you giggle over every thing.


He always wakes up around 1 in the afternoon, so you never get a morning text from him. He feels horrible, especially because all the other guys send good morning texts to their girlfriends, so the second he wakes up he texts you saying how sorry he is and that he loves you a lot.

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