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Since it was the start of the school year, it occurred to me that I should probably go to school.

So that's how I ended up walking through the double doors of some high school that I forgot the name of.

Once everything was sorted out in the office, I went to my first class.

At lunch, I met a really sweet girl named Alex. She had dyed her hair aqua to match her eyes. Actually, I probably should have told the people in the office that I hadn't set foot in a school in nine years. Well, they'd know by the end of the day.

Unknown POV

I was SO bored. I had been sitting in the same spot in the same noisy plane for HOURS. Well, at least I was going to see my little sister soon.

When the plane landed, I was the first one out. Ooh! A McDonalds! Food time!

After I was done distracting myself with food, I went to the house I had just bought. I was going to find my little sister. I had to.


<ok, what do you think? Please be nice, this is my first story! Even if it's awful, at least I can spell!>

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