Oh Look, a New Chapter

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So sorry!!! I haven't been on in so long! My dog died and some other stuff. And I looked back on this story and cringed.

Seriously, my writing has gotten better.

On with the chapter!


Erin POV

As I ran through the forest on the way to my house, I noticed a few things. Firstly, I wasn't in pain anymore. Secondly, The forest smelled nice. And thirdly, I was hungry again.

'Hey Erik?' I thought at him somewhat hesitantly. 'Yeah Erin?' After hearing that he could actually hear my thoughts when I directed them at him, I nearly tripped.

'I'm hungry. I want food.' I thought at him. I could actually feel the amusement coming from him.

'All in good time, shorty.' I glared at him angrily. 'I am NOT SHORT! You're just freakishly tall' Again with the amusement.

I huffed grumpily and ran a bit faster.


When we got back home, I darted in to the bathroom after grabbing some clothes.

Shifting back wasn't as painful as the first time, but it still hurt a lot. When I was clothed, I stumbled back to the couch and my precious potato chips. "Food! Come to me chips, I need your greasy deliciousness!"

Alex just shook her head at my obsession with food and turned to Chris to explain it to him.

Meanwhile, in my kitchen, I saw Erik stuffing his face with MY potato chips.
"ERIK! PUT DOWN NY CHIPS!!! I NEED THEM FOR MY HEALTH AND SANITY!!" He seemed alarmed as he dropped the chips. "Okay, no big deal. Are you okay?"

"Shut up, I need my chips now."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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