How to save a life

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Hellooo lovely people ! I took my time to write this chapter, I wanted it to be well-written. Did I do a great job ?  Don't know, but enjoy it ! Let me know what you think about it ! Always enjoy a nice comment or rating ! Enjoy :)

« I love you. » I have to make her feel happy.

« I love you. » Just. Move. A. Finger.

« I love you. » One. Finger.

« I love you. » One.

« I love you. » 

Sarah's POV

I swore I felt something move. It must have been the baby. Was it ? I keep my eyes closed to enjoy my proximity with Went. I just fell asleep when I got woken up by something on my hip. Suddenly, it tightened its grip. What was it ? I opened my eyes and saw a hand. Went's hand. How did it get there ? I must have been dreaming. It must have been another hallucination. Again. I heard a low « Hey » and got up as quickly as I possibly could. I turned around and here he was.

Blue. Piercing blue. There was blue everywhere. I had missed this color so much. His eyes were open, his mouth was moving, no breathing mask on it. He was awake.

I had to take a few steps back and sat on the chair across the small room. I looked at him, not completely realizing what was happening. « Are you okay ? Why am I in the hospital ? » he said. His voice made me come back on Earth. My love was awake. I got up, still looking at him lovingly, intrigued and shocked. I made my way towards him, sat on his bed and buried my head in his shoulder. He put his hands around my waist. While patting my back, he traced light circles with his fingers on my spine in order to calm me down. We stayed like this for a good five minutes. « How do you feel ? » I said, checking every part of him to see if everything was normal. « Sarah. » « Are you sure you are okay ? » My hands were going everywhere and anywhere, trying to reassure myself that he was really fine and staying with me. « SARAH ! Calm down ! I'm fine ! Take a breath. Okay. Now, why don't you tell me what the hell happened to me ? » « Oh yes, right. Well, you were in an accident back in Morocco. You fell from a ladder when I told you I was pregnant and ended up straight on the roof of a car. You lost a lot of blood due to the glass of the window. You lost consciousness right away. We stayed one month in Morocco until you were stable enough for us to take you back to LA. You've been in a coma for four months. » « Oh. Well, that's a lot. » « God ! I missed you so much ! You can't imagine ! » « Why did I fall from the ladder again ? » « That was when I told you I was pregnant. » His eyes opened even more than they already were and their color changed to turquoise. « Oh my g- How are you ? Do you need anything ? Is the baby okay ? How long are you ? Am I really going to be a dad ? Not that I am not for Noah, but you know what I mean. Are you alright ? » Went definitely got his energy back. « Love, don't worry for me, I was not the one in a coma. To answer your questions : I'm fine, I don't need anything, the baby is great, I'm four months in the pregnancy, yes you are, yes I am alright. I'm going to tell a doctor you woke up. » I said chuckling at his sudden burst of concern. I kissed him and left the room, not completely realizing he really did wake up.

I asked for a doctor, four of them came to check on Went. I immediately called Dom. It was 3 pm, the kids were at school. He picked all of them up and drove here right away. They soon all arrived : Noah, Dom, Anna, Joseph, Audrey, August and Lily. I saw Noah arrive from the elevator. He ran as his life depended on it, screaming at the top of his lungs « DADDYYYYYY ! DADDYYYY! » He ran past me, through the door, pushed a few doctors on the way and crashed into Went's arms. Of course Went was crying, I was crying, thanks to my hormones. Went was a very emotional guy, so tears were a daily habit for him. Noah was followed by Dom and his children, all screaming for « Uncle Went ». The doctors wanted us to leave the room to examine him, but I clearly made them understand that there was no way we were leaving him, not half an hour after we got him back. Dom made sure they left us alone.

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