THREE | Found

23 4 1


I had my hood up and my hands shoved deep into the pocket of my hoodie. I blew a strand of hair from my face and continued walking; and to where, I didn't know yet. I just kept on walking and didn't turn back, I couldn't turn back. I was done with everything. The teasing, the screaming, the voices in my head, the scars, the empty bottles scattered everywhere.. and life. I was just genuinley done with life.

I didn't bring anything with me, including a note of explaination. They don't deserve a reason, all that matters it that it'll happen and it'll all be over.

After almost 3 hours of finding an exceptiple location, I found myself walking on a bridge, finding the peak and looking over the railing. I then looked down at the sidewalk with '265 ft' painted into it, declaring the height I was up at right now. I just took a minute to look out and over the water. It was beautiful, with the lights of the buildings reflecting on the water, making it look like a sea of rainbows. What a wonderful way to go, may I say.

Without hesitation, I looped my legs around the metal bars and slipped the rest of my body through. Then stood on the over-hang concrete. The were no bars in front of me separating the water and I anymore. I had one hand on the railing behind me as I looked into the water.

This is it.

I closed my eyes, and let each finger go one by one, counting them.






"Whoa, I know the view is beautiful, but I think you're a little to close to the edge. Don't you think?" A male voice interupted as a hand was placed firmly over the one that I used to hold the railing. 

I jolted, looking over my shoulder to see a man with shoulder length black hair and a smile that could melt Antartica. I was more than surprised, let alone anxious now. I know he's trying to help, but he just screwed everything up for me. I looked away and back towards the water.

"Please let my hand go." I whispered, on the edge of crying.

"No." he stated firmly.

"Please." I cried under my breath. "Just let me be. Go back to whatever you were doing."

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that." his grip became tighter against my hand. "Now let's get you back behind these bars."

"No." I stated. "Please just go, I can't do this with you watching."

"That's exactly why I'm watching."

"It's not your choice, it's mine. And I've made my decision. So please just go and turn around, walk back to where you were headed. Nothing will change." I choked out, trying to hold back tears.

I was really not about to let him stop me. There's nothing left for me here. Just me and the ground beneath the water and the fire beneath the ground. 

"I'm not letting you go." he said slowly, almost reassuringly if I wasn't so determined.

"I don't want you to have to see this." I told him, getting angry.

"That's fine because I won't, because it's not happening."

"One last chance." I warned him. "Just walk away."

"I'm staying here with you. You're not alone in any of this."

"Oh, you have no idea." I stated and pulled the hand he was holding free from his grip, immediately taking the jump.

I was ready to feel the piercing cold air that stung against my skin, how I like it. And the feeling that could almost be mistaken for flying. Then the feel of the last breath I take before I seep into the ocean floor, buried so far in the bottom that I'll never be found, mostly because no one will care to even look.

But, no. Because this man grabbed a hold of my hoodie sleeve, leaving me dangling 253 feet in the air. 

"Let go!" I demanded. "You can't stop me! It's over already!" I screamed.

"When I said I'm not leaving you, I meant it!" He screamed back at me. 

I still didn't care, determination was all that flooded my mind that's be gone for far too long. I tried getting out of my hoodie, since he only has a hold of the sleeve, not me. And I did, I managed to get my entire self out of that hoodie so I was left with my black t-shirt and the air. 

That was until he grabbed my wrist, leaving me hanging there again. Not only did it make me mad, it hurt, too. He was grabbing at the raw scars which made my wrist completely useless as I screamed in pain. These cuts that I made were different from the others. They were deep, deep to the point where if I hadn't known where a certain vain was, I'd die right then and there. Fresh cuts like those filled my entire arm, some of it healed a bit earlier, but he just ripped them right back open. And the cold air of the January night didn't help my situation. 

I tried to get free but his grip was too strong, and I was in pain beyond recognition. I felt myself go in and out of reality, blacking out and coming back seconds later. It was a feeling I've never felt before. But the feeling I do remember is this warm crimson dripping down the arm he was grabbing at.

"Please! Just let me help you!" he cried out. "Stop fighting me!"

I could barely make out was he was saying, due to the daze I was in. It felt almost like a high, one filled with screams and stabbing pain. I kept blacking out and back in, I felt powerless. 

And before I knew it, I opened my eyes and found myself in a warm bed with bandages wrapped around both arms. And a man sitting in a desk chair next to me, but faced the other way. I studied him, he was the same man who tried to save me. Well, the same man who apparently did save me.

His body shook as his hands covered his face. Was he crying? Instead of feeling anger at him for preventing me to jump, a tear rolled down my face, and I was the most grateful person in the world.

What was I thinking, ending my own life.

His hands ran through his hair multiple times as he shook. I knew that look all too well. He was blaming himself for this. He was close enough to me that I could touch him, so I did.

I sat up and put my hand on top of his, letting a couple tears fall.

"Thank you." I choked out and he spun around, looking at me.

I smiled at him and he smiled back gratefully that I was okay, I was right, he was crying. He quickly embraced me in the warmest hug I've had since dad was around, and in his arms, I felt at home again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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