New and improved me!!!

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2 years later ....

Chyna p.o.v

Sitting back watching my heart's play with the other neighborhood kids made me proud to be who I am today. Chy'ance and Christina are my blessings I thank good for everyday. I truly don't know where I would be in my life without them. I know they've only been on earth for a year and eight months , but it feels like they were here all along. I know these words are weird coming from the boss ass bitch I once was but time definitely do change people and in my case it was for the better. I looked up to see Christian / G walking towards the park entrance and walking my way. Just looking at this man gave me flash backs of my life and everytime I looked into his eyes I can see it all over again.....

2 years ago......

Dealing with the lost of a friend that I killed , money problems , and dealing with my siblings . Not to mention I have to deal with a dead beat for the next eighteen years was starting to get to me . After the phone call I had with G , I had no choice but to go back to my tricking ways pregnant or not . I really do believe in desperate times calls for desperate measures , and right now I was desperate..... speaking to Tony really reminded me that this world has no hand outs, and that alone made me the bitch I am today.

Convo With Tony  


..The number was there...I hit the call button, listening to it ring nervously.

" Whats hannin' ? " Tony deep smooth voice came through the phone..I thought about seeing him not long ago when I was in the restraunt with christian. How good he looked...

" Its Chyna " I tell him.

" Damn whats good ma' ? It only took you long enought to hit me up, what you up to ? " I laughed.

" Nothing...babysitting "

" We getting in practice ? "

" Something like overtime, kids are work "

" Im sure you got it though...what cant Chy do ? " He tease. I listened to his sexy ass laugh.

" Tony...I need a favor "

" Which is ? " He listened...Fuck i aint got no other choice. Im done with G i put my pride aside to many times to ask for his help only for him to be childish and it to come back and bite me in the ass.

" I need some money....I swear I'll pay you back...Its for something important. Im in some trouble..please ? " I couldnt believe the Chyna i had become. I would reconize myself.

" You know how to pay me back...."

I sighed.

Back to Square One again. Niggas are trifling his ass really wants a pregnant ass woman to do him sexual favors... like really? What can my fat ass possible do for him?. six months pregnant with twins is not a good look at all , but what can I say its either do or die , and right now I had to do something before I died.

Getting off my bed I went into my closet trying to find something presentable to wear for my night . I wasn't glad to leave my house to do some tricking , but I did wanna look some what cute so I worked my magic with the mac kit even though I didn't wear it on the regular and was ready to go after an hour . I went to go check on my siblings before I proceeded out the door.





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