Get My hustle On

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Kim P.O.V

" hey Bo ! " I said as I walked through the door of G's house. We took are relationship to a hole new level ,and I've never been more happy in my life. Yea that's right a bitch got a key to the crib ! , now I know what we got is real .

" sup ma , where you been I've missed you all day ? " he asked . He was sitting at the table rolling a blunt looking sexy as ever . I smiled because I lucked up when I got with G ass .

" I had to run a few Errands you was sleeping when I got up , and I didn't want to wake you . I'm surprised you didn't hear me get in the shower seeing as though you are a light sleeper . You must've been Worn out from all that good loving I gave you last night" I boosted. While doing a little sexy Dance.

" yea if you say so , but I'm ready for round three , and stop all of dat you know you can't dance " he laughed.

" boy please you know I'm a dance hall queen "

". Oh yea well come ride pon me cocky " he said in a fake ass Jamaican accent.

" boy you so nasty , so what you do today ?" I asked

" shit , just chilling out today I may have to hit the streets later tho "

" why ? you said you was going to spend time with me today " I hated when he put the streets before me shit pisses me off , and I'm not that bitch that's just Gon sit in the house and wait for a nigga to come home.

" you know how it is some niggas got in some trouble at one of the trap houses , and I need to go handle it."

" why you ? Don't you got other niggas to do that type of stuff for you ?"

" yea Bo , but shit won't get done right unless I do it my self , so just chill out with the damn questions okay ? "

" yea , okay " I said in a disappointed tone.

" look it ain't like I'm not coming back you good ma just relax ima take care of you that's all that matters "

" I get it business first , right ?"

" right , but right now I want pleasure so lets go upstairs , so you can show me that little dance you was just doing "

I smiled " I knew you liked it I told you I'm a dance hall queen "


Chyna P.O.V

" so did you tell him about the baby " Tay asked we were at lunch I invited her to come eat with me after a long day of looking for a job , yes chyna is looking for a Legit job , shit bout to get real for me when my baby comes , and I need to be ready Mentally and financially . I know my baby's Sperm donor isn't going to be there for us so I got to step up , and be a real bitch that I am.

" yes he knows about the baby " I simply said I really didn't wanna talk about Christian sorry ass.

" so... What did he say ?"

" not much just that he don't think it's his , but like I told his sorry ass I don't need him to do a damn thing for me or my baby it's his choice rather he wants to be in this child's life or not either way my child is not going to want for a damn thing trust and believe me when I say this" I was getting my self worked up.

" that's crazy I can't believe he's doing this to you ,you should not have to go through a pregnancy alone because you did not make that baby by your self"

" girl please ain't nobody worried about his sorry ass , he just better stay away from my brother I know that much"

" why what happen ?"

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