EddxTom The Proposal

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I tiptoed into the kitchen, quietly opening the cabinet and pulling out Tom's cereal, I know he would get mad at me for stealing it again, but it tastes really good!

I got out a bowl and the milk, and poured the cereal into the bowl. I looked down at the bowl, confusion written on my face as I looked at a small metal band laying on top of the mound of cereal. 

My eyes lit up as I picked up the ring and turned around to see Tom, on one knee, tears brimming in his eyes, with a smile that stretched to his ears.

He took the hand that was holding the ring and picked it up, hovering it near my ring finger. 

"Edd Gould," He began and I smiled at my boyfriend of three years, already knowing my answer.

"Would you make me, the happiest man, in the entire world, and let me spend every day for the res of my life, by your side? Will you, Marry me?" He asked and I nodded as he slipped the ring onto my finger. 

I tackled him onto the floor and kissed him. smiling as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I Love you Edd."

"I love you too Tom." 

Eddsworld One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora