TordxMatt The Carnival

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"Tord! Tord I want to go on the Ferris Wheel!" Matt pleaded as we walked around the carnival. 

"Fine Matt, we can go on the Ferris wheel." I said in defeat and with a slight headache from him talking into my ear for so long.

"YAY!" He yelped, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the Ferris Wheel and getting on line. 

I tried to ignore the heat rushing to my face as I realized he had just been holding my hand. 

'Damn Ginger.' I thought to myself with a snort.

Before I knew it we had gotten onto the Ferris Wheel, and Matt was making sure that I was securely buckled in.

We were on our second go round when the ride came to a sudden stop, and a voice called from below. 

"Please do not panic, there seem to have been a slight, malfunction, with the controls, I'm afraid you might be up there for a while."

I sighed and leaned back, not really bothered by the fact. I looked over at Matt to see him clutching onto his knees and biting at his finger nails. 

"You okay Orange?" I asked, slightly concerned.

"Y-yea, just, slightly, um, scared of heights."

"Then why did you want to go on the Ferris Wheel?"

"Because we don't usually get stuck in the air for that long!" He said, beginning to panic.

"What if we die Tord? We will never see Tom, or Edd again, I'll never be able to look at my reflection again. What if we just get stuck up here for ever and ever, and never get down? What if the apocalypse starts while we are up here, and we can do nothing but watch? What do we do Tord?" 

He continued to talk, and I continued to get more and more annoyed, I had tried to cut him off multiple times and tell him we would be fine, but he just kept on talking. So, I did the only other thing I could think of that wouldn't cause him any harm. 

I kissed him. 

Right on the lips. 

And he kissed me back. 

Which was a real big surprise because I was almost one hundred percent sure he didn't feel the same way as I did, and I was also pretty sure that he wasn't even gay. 

All the sudden he pulled me onto his lap. Seemingly forgetting about the height. Which was the whole point of kissing him, and I just really had been wanting to kiss him for a while now, and it just seemed like the right time. 

I ran my fingers through his hair and tugged on it lightly, tilting his head back and earning a low moan. I smiled and we broke away for air.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now." I said smoothly.

"I've been wanting you to do that for a while now too." He said and smiled, running his hands up and down my back.

I smiled and reconnected our lips.   

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