Split up

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Crosshairs p.o.v

I sliced threw another con that was in the way and ran to Optimus who was being injured i then saw Bumblebee on the ground and a con walking to him. That kid can't take care of himself anytime. But then I watched as he tripped Starscream and blasted his leg and got up I smiled and ran to Optimus. I then was pushed back by a con I saw as Optimus gave us all a signal to split up and leave. I starred at him but listened and ran off I saw that Drift was taking down his last Decepticon so he could get on the road. I watched as he transformed and followed me and everyone else has three and was going down there own way I knew it would be a while before I would see any of them again. "Drift...have you seen Bumblebee"? I asked looking for the dumb youngling. "Na haven't seen m". He said and I looked around I stopped and saw he was heading our way so I pushed on the gas and drove off with Drift and Bumblebee following me. We drove all night and ended up stopping at a gas station we transformed and i sighed. "-do you know..if we will beeee ok-bumblebee spoke threw the radio. "I never know that Bumblebee". I said and walked to lean against the store I sat down and laughed when Bumblebee hit his head on the roof over the gas tanks. "Hey Bee there's already something there". Drift spoke up. Then I heard jet engines. "Oh no". I said and watched as a jet flew threw the air. "Get under that roof now". I said and both did as said. We watched as it flew away but created a circle to go back. "We've been spotted"! I yelled and we ran out.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

We ran threw the deserted roads then transformed and sped up. "ITS MEGATRON"! Crosshairs yelled and sped up. "-metal to the pedal-"! I yelled threw my radio. Then the jet transformed and landed in front of Drift and threw him to the side but he transformed and used his swords to stop him and I heard Crosshairs screech to a stop. I hurried and transformed but not fast enough cause Megatron picked me up by my arm. "Well if it isn't the bug and the two show offs". Megatron said deeply and I shivered and he stood all the way up and threw me and I rolled on the desert floor and a rock sliced me on the hand and when I came to a stop I tried to get up but I hurt my hand I let out a cry of pain but shook it off and got up. "Crosshairs move"! Drift yelled and Crosshairs moved out of the way and went by me. "Ya good kid"? Crosshairs asked me and I nodded and took out my cannon. Megatron swung at us and we moved quickly but Megatron was quicker when he swiped me and I screeched on the road. "Bumblebee get up"! Drift yelled and I saw that Megatron was heading my way and Crosshairs and Drift were being held back by two other cons and were forced to there knees. I looked and watched as Megatron was walking to me and I had a plan. When I felt that Megatron was picking me up I blasted him in his face and kicked off of him and ran towards Drift and Crosshairs but then the Decepticons put the guns to their heads and I stopped. "Don't move Autobot"! One of them slobbered. I stopped. "Now put down those cannons or we'll shoot"! The other threatened I heard Megatron come my way and I put the cannons away and turned around and came almost face to face with Megatron. "-Where is Optimus-"my radio whirled out. "The prime..is well I should say extinguished". Megatron seethed and smiled. My eyes went wide I looked down then I was kicked I scraped across the ground and I felt that I was leaking energon I looked up at him and he was smiling he picked me up and made me kneel and put my hands behind my head. I looked at Crosshairs and Drift who looked at me and each other. I made a pained sad noise and put a hand where Megatron kicked me I looked at my hand and it was covered with energon. "Let's take them here and now"! The Decepticon that was holding Crosshairs sputtered. "No we will use them of bait if one is dying we'll leave let him die out".Megatron seethed. I looked at my wound and knew what he was talking about..I would die soon I looked to Crosshairs and Drift who were looking at me sadly..they knew it too. I gave a sad whirl. I tried to get up but got pushed down again. "Don't move until we say"! Megatron spat. My attention was drawn to the ground and I thought about a plan or anything but nothing came...there's no Optimus there's no leader. I felt Megatron pull me up and lean me against the rock I was in the middle of Crosshairs and Drift. "Now we wait till the rest of your Autobot friends to get here"! Megatron spat. I cringed with pain and made a sad whirring noise. "Well if they get here in time for their scout". Megatron laughed and I felt a hand touch mine and grasp it I looked to see Drift. "Don't worry Bee we'll get out of here". He assured me and I nodded and he let go I felt my systems start to go down and my optics dim. "Stay awake kid". Crosshairs said. "He's not going to sleep Crosshairs". Drift said quietly and I felt myself start to drift due to energon loss. "No no Bumblebee". Crosshairs said nudging me I only whirred and leaned on him. "-I wont last the night-". I whirred quietly. "I...we know..unless we get you help". Crosshairs said.

Drift's p.o.v

I sighed and watched as the Decepticons built themselves a fire I looked to see that Bumblebee's baby blue optics were now dull I've seen them dull before but not this dull I felt fear run threw my body. "-guys-". A weak voice said I looked at Bumblebee and saw he was falling forward and I tried to catch him but me and Crosshairs were to slow. I looked at Bumblebee as he layed on the cold ground with his optics off. "BUMBLEBEE"! Me and Crosshairs yelled I saw him move but his optics didn't turn on. "Well I guess he didn't last". Megatron chuckled. I sat there optics wide. Then I heard and engine I know that engine I watched as Hound and Optimus pulled up and transformed. "Well,well if it isn't prime I hope you see that you just missed your scout". Megatron laughed as he stood up with his companion's. "What did you do to Bumblebee"? Hound asked. "See for yourself". Megatron laughed moving out of the way I watched as Optimus's and Hound's optics widened I looked to Bumblebee and growled. Me and Crosshairs got up and Crosshairs shot at the Deceoticons and I jumped down and charged at the cons and started fighting Bonecrusher I looked backs and saw Crosshairs picked up Bumblebee I looked sadly at them but went back to fighting and Optimus and Hound joined the fight.

Crosshair's p.o.v

I sighed and carried Bumblebee under the gas station part i layed him down and looked at his wound I opened up my chest and got out bandage wrap and wrapped it around his wound on his stomach area I had to sit him up and when I was done I tied it tight to stop the flow of energon. "Come on kid". I whispered I then heard a jet fly off. I looked to see two cons dead and the rest of my team coming towards me I stood up and sighed. "Is he"? Hound started but I held my hand up. "He's...online..but barely". I said quietly. "What"? Hound asked. "I SAID HE'S ONLINE BUT BARELY"! I yelled and that made them jump back a little. I looked down and shook my head. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and I looked up at Optimus and he looked at me. "I think I can help him". Optimus said. He walked past me and the other two came to my side. "Optimus knows what to do to help his son". Hound said and my eyes widened and so did Drift's. Hound looked wide eyed too and looked down at me and Drift. "Oops". He said.

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