Chapter Four

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The next morning carried on like usual with Taehyung waking up at the right time, showering, getting dressed, and setting off for work.

This normal routine he thought until a certain someone entered the cafe that afternoon.

"How can I help you?" Taehyung asked with his signature rectangle smile as he turned to face the next customer.

"Hey V! I didn't know you worked here!"

Taehyung froze once he heard the familiar voice. Oh hell no... Finally turning a full rotation he faced the last person he'd want to come across in his own workplace. To top it off, said person had faced him with a wide grin and waved. Not this guy, what is he doing here? Had he followed me to work? Taehyung knew that he couldn't kick out Jungkook in front of everyone in the coffee shop let alone create a scene, so all he could do was ask in a fake, cheery voice through gritted teeth, "What are you doing here?"

"I always go here after classes! I've been going ever since I've first moved here but haven't seen you around before. Were you hired recently?"

Jesus the amount of density in this boy is killing me, can't he tell exactly how much I want to, to- grah!

"Oh wait! I forgot to mention last night, but there's another thing I want to know about-" Jungkook was cut off by a hand clamping over his mouth. He looked at Taehyung and notice fickle flames beginning to spark obviously telling him to shut up as well as his lips mouthing "We're in public you idiot!" Jungkook after being pointed out what he was doing rubbed his neck and apologized, "Sorry, I forgot about that".

Ignoring the heat of anger consuming his insides, Taehyung continued, "Excuse me sir, but you're holding up the line." This to which Jungkook looked behind and went red in embarrassment.

"I'll have a medium pumpkin spiced latte, please" after paying and almost dropping his change back, he rushed to the nearest empty seat and sat down, setting down his laptop bag and getting his laptop out. Meanwhile Taehyung was busying himself in making the order until one of his coworkers snuck up behind him and whispered, "So V, huh? Is that a cool new nickname? Maybe I should start calling you V too, it sounds kinda mysterious" which caused him to jolt and spill some of the drink on his uniform.

"It's nothing important, don't call me that!" Taehyung replied and wiped himself. Fixing the drink and finally lidding it he walked toward where Jungkook sat looking heavily immersed and typing vigorously.

"Your pumpkin spiced latte" Taehyung turned to head back but was stopped when he felt a tap on his arm.

"Just curious, what's up with the fake attitude? Do you not want anyone to know that I know you or something?" Jungkook said with a little offense in his voice. Taehyung looked around and crossed his arms before taking him by the arm and leading him to the bathroom, telling one of his coworkers to fill in his place for a while. After checking to see if the bathroom was open, Taehyung lead Jungkook closely behind and locked the door, grabbing his shirt collar and pushing him against the wall.

"Are you seriously that stupid? Did you completely forget the part where I told you specifically to not mention in any way or anything along the lines of ghouls? We're in public!"

Jungkook held up his arms and shut his eyes, "I know, it was my fault! I'm sorry I forgot, it's just that I didn't catch myself rambling because I was really surprised to find you working here and had a lot to say. I'm sorry!" he could hear Taehyung sigh as he felt the other's grip loosen and eventually let go, causing him to lower his arms a little as well.

"I made it clear what would happen if you have anyone else know about this and especially what would happen to you. I don't know how you still don't have that embedded in that brain of yours." Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair in frustration at Jungkook's idiocy, feeling as if he regretted running to the source of the scream that night.

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