The Confusion Of Our Hearts!

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"I am who I am but you aren't going anywhere near that arse. Understood?" He warned in an authoratative voice which sent shivers down her spine.

He showed his one index finger towards her, forgetting the fact that they weren't lucky to see each other, but sensing the movements of his hand, she raised her own hand, and pushed his finger down. 

"Stop judging everyone because of your past". She stated as a matter of a fact and his face lost all the colour instantly at the mere mention of the word, past.

A pained look immediately came up replacing the angry young man, and he turned his face away, closing his eyes. The turn of his expressions from sour to hurt, didn't go unnoticed by Ranveer and Sheena who shared an eyelock, having their own silent conversation.

Udit stood up and asked, "Ms. Sheena can I go back to my room. I don't think I can handle your class today". Karishma gasped hearing his sudden cold words, and she realized that, he was leaving because of the way she talked to him.

Before Sheena could reply him, Karishma held his wrist and requested in a pleading voice, "Don't go please. I am sorry. You need to take the classes for your betterment. Please don't leave".

A sense of satisfaction as well as belonging took over his heart hearing the plead in her voice and a smile curled up on the sides of his lips.

She cares for you.

Now you get it idiot!


"Why is he smiling like that?" Ranveer whispered in Sheena's ears as she was busy drooling over the young couple who seemed to be made for one another.

Perfect soulmates, the concept of which was still unclear to people but those who have experienced it, they can't stay aloof from the warmth of witnessing it through their own periphery.

"Because he could feel the honesty in her words like the way we want it to be". Sheena replied smiling seeing Udit sit back on his place and sensing his movements, Karishma's own lips curled up in smile.

"My presence does wonders". Ranveer boasted proudly smirking at his fiancee who turned her head towards him to give him an amused look.

"Shall we begin the class, Mr. Desai?"

"With pleasure, Ms. Abuja err soon to be Mrs. Desai". He winked at her making her blush to the colour of cherry whilst, he took his position in the middle of the room.

"Hello to all of you my darlings. I am Ranveer Desai. From now on I will accompany Ms. Sheena in training you all. Before I progress to the main topic, let me tell you, I am an architect by profession but teaching in this institute is for the peace of my soul. By designing buildings I give satisfaction to people but by giving special trainings here, I give satisfaction to my heart and soul". He gave his introduction making all of them smile as they developed a mutual liking for him.

"Jerk!" Udit commented lowly.

"Did you say something?" Karishma asked getting alert.

"Why do I forget that she has hundred ears in her?" He mused annoyed at her over alertness.

"Do I have any right to say something when you are here, Ms. Chuckle?" He replied with pure sarcasm dripping in his voice. Karishma gritted her teeth in anger, hearing him mumbling curses at Ranveer who was having small conversations with the students.

"Okay, so now moving back to the main topic. You all know that you are being trained about the five underdeveloped senses in you but with that skills, now we are going to provide you reading and writing skills. Most of you would have heard about Perkins Braillewriter." He introduced the new term with professionalism laced in his tone.

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