"Cyan?" Muriel asked with a worried tone and I nearly smiled. They learned I was a fallen angel... bad thing was they didn't learn it from me... and yet, they didn't even use it against me. They're treating me nothing different that how they usually do...

       I always saw the kindness in them. They were understanding and were all warm... I knew they wouldn't treat me any differently if they learned what I am but I was scared. Mikael and Ryouta both had a dark past akin mine but not even once did anyone use it against them. if anything, they were more respected...

      I knew I should've told them before they found it from another but I couldn't bring myself to do so... However, I was more surprised than what secret lies beyond my secret. Not mine but Rex's... I should've known but I had always been turning a blind eye... I always asked myself why a mortal was crying for me... I always asked myself why it hurt seeing him cry but I was too scared to learn the answers.

      I was afraid when I shouldn't have been...



       Alfreed and I watched Cyan silently as he removed his shirt. Leirum was indeed a fine healer for no scar was left of what the demon's blade wounded but I can still imagine it in my head. But what did he want to show us? Because I was definitely sure it wasn't that.

         He slowly stood up from his bed, hearing my reminder not to move too much because the pain was still there that was yet to vanish but was slowly fading.

         He slowly turned around and I gasped out loud while Alfreed involuntarily pushed herself away from the wall and strode closer while I let my eyes be drawn towards the deep black gruesome looking scar on his back and my throat felt like it had dried as I heard Alfreed mumbling under herself.

        "Bloody hell."

           I stared at two long marks down his back that looked raw and dark, starting a point halfway down his broad back and spreading out into a V shape that stopped just below his shoulders. It was where Cyan's wings used to be, no doubt about it but I couldn't imagine him having great magnificent wings when all I saw was this miserable memory of such things.

       The deeply engraved V shape in his back seemed to look so fresh even though it probably wasn't. They looked inflamed and sore, within the grove was black and Alfreed and I both had the impression that his wings must have been literally torn out his back, leaving this painful deep black scar in it's place.

        "Our wings were a part of our body, and having it forcibly torn from us because of a mistake was the most painful thing about falling because our wings were our freedom." Cyan started slowly and I bit my lip sadly.

             "I was an angel of praise and an angel of harvest and nurture... and I spent my time in the gardens up above where we work..." He said softly, barely audible for us to here but we remained quiet and we carefully listened with his every word.

            An angel of praise... does that mean he sings? An angel of harvest and nurture... he takes care of the gardens of heaven where he might have had the power to make things grow and bear fruit. He soon started talking about his story and we stayed still.

           "I was bored one time and flew here to Earth, watching things and seeing them for the first time since I never actually visited to the human world." He sighed deeply, sitting down on his bed back again and he kept his back at us while I gave Alfreed a look.

        "But that first visit had been my last as an angel. At a sea side, I saw a small little human. A little baby as it was called and he was abandoned in a box, nothing but linen gold cloth to keep him warm and I took it upon myself to watch over him til a human comes by and pick him up. It was clearly abandoned and I couldn't just leave him." he sadly spoke.

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