"Another normal day at school..." You then began to stand up and went down the stairs of your house.

"Oh, goodmorning sweetie!" Your grandmother greeted you happily while cooking pancakes with egg and bacons.

"G'morning grandma...." You said and then sat down looking around for a few seconds. You looked at your grandma getting nearer holding a plate of bacon pancakes.

"Here, pancakes." She told you, smiling gently and putting the plate of food in front of you.

"Thanks.." You mumbled and took a huge bite from it, complimenting her after a short while.

After having a delicious breakfast, you went inside the bathroom and took a bath. Doing all the daily things you do in your bathroom.

And of course, after taking a bath, you went ahead and got dressed into your school uniform. Unlike other schools, your school was pretty strict about what you wear. So you always wore it properly to not be scolded.

You said goodbye to your grandma and went to school. Walking awkwardly after she kissed you goodbye, but was glad anyway that you had such a caring grandma.


"Hey, (y/n)!" Your friend (f/n) called you. Waving her hands frantically in the air, motioning you to stop and wait for her.

"What?" You stopped walking and looked at her curiously. Finally she caught up to you and asked.

"H-have you studied for the history test?" She said panting, gasping for air.

"Yup!" You smiled and then gave a thumbs up to her.

Yes, you were smart and actually studies but sometimes neglects your lessons because you almost always decides to play games whenever you tried to study.

"Anyway....(Y/n), have you got over the.. accident?" (F/n) asked nervously while twiddling her thumbs together.

You swore that you saw a flash of guilt in her eyes. But you just grinned at her anyway, noting her guilty stance and smiled at her, trying to comfort her. Looking at her and telling her that it wasn't her fault.

"(F/n)! You shouldn't be talking about that to (Y/n)! You should help her move on not remember it!" Another one of your friends scolded her.

"S-sorry, I'm so sorry umm...forget about my question!" She yelled out covering her face. Possibly punching her self inside her head by the look she was having.

"It's not your fault.. Besides you didn't mean it.." You smiled gently at her after saying that but then decided to prank her, "That is.. If you really did mean it." You looked at her with fake suspicion and squinted at her for a few seconds.

She looked around nervously, sweating a lot. You couldn't hold in your laughter and laughed out loud. When she heard you, she looked at you confused but soon followed laughing awkwardly later.

After a while, you stopped laughing and her too. She smiled at you and asked, "Hey.. have you played Undertale yet?"

You grinned at her, "Yep! It was awesome! Thank you for telling me about it. Anyway, I have a lot of story to tell you! Let's go!" You grabbed her hand eagerly.

You kinda fangirled when you saw the character named Frisk, because he was just so adorable.
Despite everything, you still have that fangirlish side like almost every people. If you saw them in real life, you would have lost your mind.

"OK...you're welcome." She said while diverting her eyes away from you. You nodded at her and ran towards your classroom dragging her behind.

You entered the class and sat down. Sighing as the teacher came in.

The school bell rung and the class was over, you stood up and got your bag.
It was also summer vacation so it was a perfect time to relax and do whatever you like.

After that, you started walking home peacefully until (f/n) grabbed your hand suddenly but then muttered a small 'sorry'. "C-can you please accompany me for a few days in our cabin?" She asked embarrassed.

"Hmm..okay." You told her, not having any activities planned except for playing games again. "Wait for me, I have to go get my clothes!" You turned around and ran.

"D-don't worry, I already told your grandma and already got your clothes!" She shouted at you, you stopped after that. Not processing that at all.

"Whaaaaat?!" You asked her again.

"J-just follow me!" She squeaked out and grabbed your hand, leading you to different places and making you confused as hell.

After a while of you being dragged around, you found yourself in front of a forest. You gaped at the sight, it was almost night and who knows what might be lurking in there.

"Its in here.. I think a few more turns inside there and we are in the cabin." She informed you, looking at you nervously. She was obviously scared but was trying to put on a strong font.
But by the way her hands and knees were shaking and her eyes were darting around everywhere frantically made it obvious.

You looked at her and rubbed her back gently, trying to make her feel a little bit at ease. You smiled softly at her and told her that it was only a few more minutes until you reach the cabin so she better hold on. She smiled back at you after that and grabbed your hand.

You both held each other's hands and looked at each other, eyes filled with determination. You were both gonna overcome this challenge together.

After an hour, (F/n) was paranoid now, she was sure that you two were lost. You both knew that you two were lost. But you still tried to search for some kind of path leading either outside of the forest or towards the cabin.

In all honesty, you really did not know how you two even got lost, you were pretty sure that you two were following a clear path an hour ago, and now it was completely gone. Leaving no traces or whatsoever.

(F/n) was pulling on your top uniform and you looked at her asking what she wants. "H-here have this backpack, it is yours." She told you.

You thanked her and looked around once more. She was still beside you, hand on top of her heart, looking around worriedly.

"I think we should sleep here for tonight." You told her, motioning at a conveniently big space, with a stack of wood in the middle.

She looked at you like you had grown two heads and said, "But the forest is filled with wild animals! Who knows, maybe while we are sleeping a snake comes by and bites one of us!" She yelled out. She then began to grow even more nervous and scared to the point where she might just piss her skirt.

But then shuddered again, "Or worse, both of us! We would die in the middle of nowhere with no one knowing we are dead! I don't want that!" She yelled out, tears coming out of her eyes.

"I-I just don't want that!" She yelled out, running out of your sight. Into the hundreds of trees out there.

You couldn't react that much, you couldn't even stop her. You were all alone now. And so is she. You hugged yourself, trying to comfort yourself while tears silently fall from your eyes. You were almost gonna give up but then (F/n) just had to leave. All hope of survival and happiness were gone from your line of sight.

You searched frantically around for your friend but to no avail, still couldn't find her.

After a while of searching around, you found yourself in front of the bottom of some mountain.

"....." You looked at it with empty eyes, void of emotions.
But then inside your heart that just wants to give up, a spark of hope lit up inside it. A mountain.

You could climb it up and maybe you would be able to see the way out of here and if possible, also see (F/n). You smiled and quickly grabbed onto the bottom of the mountain. Making you way up quickly.

You were smiling brightly now, a new hopeful feeling inside of you.

You were filled with determination.

There was a picture here b t I.cand find it.

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