Chapter Twenty- The end

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Narrators POV

Everybody stood in shock, they had watched (Y/n) fall into the fire and parish in front of their eyes. Jessica stood smugly because she had defeated her greatest enemy, a figure emerged from behind her putting a hand on her shoulder. It was Abethest, this must be the 'he' Jessica was talking about.

"She could of had it all, but she chose to be with you. Now she's dead and I have someone much better" Abethest said a wide smile on his face. "And now with her out of the way I will end all the Pastas starting with these two" He explained, Masky and Smile were brought out, bound and gagged they both looked like they had a rough few days.

"Masky!" Hoody yelled trying to charge at Abethest and Jessica. Slenderman held Hoody back,it was too dangerous. "Do something" Hoody yelled at slenderman but slender just stayed put. All they could do was stand back and watch helplessly as their friends were being put to death.

They put Masky on his knees and made Smile lay down. Jessica unhinged her jaw,she was going to eat them starting by their necks. Hoodys cries and pleading was all you could here besides the crackling of the fire. Everybody else just stood and watched in horror.

Jessica was about to pounce on Masky but she looked up in horror. When they all looked at what Jessica was looking at. L.j smiled he along with Slenderman knew that this was going to happen. Emerging from the flames was (Y/n), her arms and legs were on fire . Her eye colour was replaced with red hot flames.

She had her swords in her hands and a deadly scowl on her face. She was ready to fight. She landed on the ground, death appeared behind her. She walked to Abethest and Jessica her movements were slow and calculated it was as if it were someone else.

"This is going to be fun" Death said in actual english. "Indeed it is old chap, indeed it is" l.j said in a dark voice. (Y/n) stood crossing her swords,the fire from her arms and legs all moves to her hands then she uncrossed her swards sending a shock wave of flames at Jessica and Abethest. Masky and Smile rolled out of the way so that they wouldn't be hit by the blast.

The blast knocked Jessica and Abethest back, Abethest got back onto his feet but Jessica stayed down,wounded. (Y/n) walked to Jessica,Abethest tried to swipe at her but she flipped him like he was nothing. Jeff took his chance and charged at abethest and everybody else followed.

Clairisa ran over to smile and untied him, Hoody went to Masky. He untied Masky, pulling toth their masks up just enough to see their lower mouthes. "Masky, I,I... I love you. I always have I a-" Hoody confessed, Masky cut him off kissing him. "I know you do Hoody and I love you too" he said kissing him again.

(Y/n) toward over Jessica who was laying on the floor,scared. (Y/n) picked her up by the neck walking over slowly to the edge. She held Jessica over the edge with a psychotic smile on her face. Jessica held (Y/n)'s hand trying to breath. "You couldn't kill me even if you tried. And Laughing Jack is going to get tired of you and leave just like everybody else has in your life" Jessica said drooling a bit.

"I might not be a killer but it doesn't mean I won't kill" (Y/n) said. Jessica's eyes widened, (Y/n) released her grip dropping Jessica into the fire. (Y/n) then slowly walked to Abethest who was beaten and stabbed at the point of breaking.

"You all think you've won hmm? I will have my day and I will have ALL OF YOU DEAD! I will be back" Abethest threatened coughing up blood. "I wouldn't count on it" (Y/n) said. She took her blade and stabbed him in the heart, he disappeared into a cloud of smoke never to be seen again.

Or so they thought...

(Unforgettable Insanity)Laughing Jack X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن