Chapter Nineteen - The fight begins

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(Narrators POV)

They walked silently through the woods, neither Jeff, Toby,L.j,Hoody,Clairisa or (Y/n) said a word. They had to go find Slenderman because he was out on a kill. Clearly they were up against a force to be reckoned with and they couldn't do it alone."We'll wait here" (Y/n) instructed sitting on a fallen down tree.

Everybody else took a seat on the tree, the awkward silence becoming overwhelmingly. "It should have been me" Hoody admitted in a hushed tone. They all looked at Hoody, no one really knew what to say. "It's not your fault Hoody" (Y/n) said rubbing Hoodys back.

There was a rustling sound from the distance, everybody got in position to attack. Slenderman walked in and they all relaxed. They all knew that they didn't even have to say a word and slender would already know what had happened.

"Don't worry children we will get them back and L.j I hate to hear all the dirty things you did to (Y/n)" Slenderman said. "I can't help if I was that good" L.j said with a huge smile on his face. (Y/n)'s face turned a bright red, the boys started laughing and cracking up.

"Why don't you just tell them what colour my underwear is" (Y/n) said. "I would if you had any on" L.j said seductively. (Y/n) floated to L.j and grabbed some of his feathers pulling him down so his ear was next to her mouth.

Before (Y/n) could even say anything they felt it. It was as if a trap door had opened under their feet and now they were plummeting into the unknown. Clairisa was screaming while Jeff cussed. The rest of them fell silently too shocked to even make a sound.

They landed with a loud bang. (Y/n) groaned in pain and so did the others,even L.j was laying on the ground in pain. They all sat up,Slenderman was standing already as if he had never fallen,but he still looked as confused as the rest of us.

When we all noticed the place had just landed we all froze on the spot,ironic because it looked like we had landed in hell itself. They stood on what was like an elevated piece of land, surrounded by fire. They all looked around then heard deep but familiar laughter.

They heard the laughter of a familiar bitch! It was Jessica. She emerged out of the fire in front of them with a sinister smile on her face. It was as if she had won the lottery or eaten a new born baby because she was a monster like that.

"You could have had me Laughing Jack, you could of had it all but you chose her! Her!" Jessica yelled. They were all silent,no one knew what to say. "And now I have someone who loves me,who appreciates me!" She continued. "Yeah he really appreciates your vagi" Jeff began but before he could finish his sentence she opened her unhingable jaw and let out and ear piercing scream.

When she did so the blow sent all of them flying,except slenderman that is who used his tenticals to stop everybody from flying into the fire. There were a could of people who he couldn't catch for example Clairisa and E.j but (Y/n) had caught E.j seeing as Slenders tentical caught her leg. Hoody caught Clairisa easily because slenders tentical was wrapped around his waist.

Slender put everybody down back in safety and they all turned to face their new enemy. Slenderman was getting ready to defend them but (Y/n) stopped him. "She's mine" (Y/n) said in a deep dark tone. (Y/n) grabbed her swords but this time when she pulled them out they smoked. One sword was a red hot colour and smoking the other was blue and had the same smokey effect. This was going to be the fight non of them would ever forget.

Jessica unhinged her Jaw and let out another power scream. (Y/n) crossed her swords as if a shield and the rest were held by slenderman. (Y/n) uncrossed her swords which sent a blast wave to Jessica. Jessica flew back and (Y/n) used the advantage and advanced on Jessica.

Jessica caught (Y/n) by the neck giving a evil grin. "He gave me power" he said in a low demonic voice. She threw (Y/n) towords the fire, (Y/n) fell skidding on the floor and over the edge into the fire.

(Unforgettable Insanity)Laughing Jack X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora