Chapter Four - You Can't Run!

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After reporting the incident to the principal and getting scolded for 'wanting to get out of an exam' and 'if I insist on keeping the story up I should borrow a pen to write because im not getting out of it' I was forced to carry on my day as usual borrowing stuff from anybody who was willing to lend me things. So basically this lady thinks I'm lying...great .To be honest I'd completely forgotten about the stupid exam that we had to write at the end of the school day.

To put the cherry on top of this beautiful cake, I didnt tell my transport driver that I'd be finishing 4:30p.m in the afternoon so I had to walk home after school. It was a bit of a far walk but it wasn't too bad if I took the short cut over the train tracks.  I made my way to consumer studies class to the one and only adult I could talk too I walked into the huge classroom,walking past stoves and working stations, I pulled a chair up next to her desk

"(Y/n), I don't see you now,do I?" She asked turning to face me "uh no ma'am I actually wanted to speak to you about something" I mumbled looking at the door to see if anybody else was coming. She put her elbows on her desk and rested her head on her hands looking at me. I began to tell her about the man with the white hoody from the party and the giant dog who stole my school bag and how the same man was with the dog. She stared at me dumbfounded, "Did you tell anybody?" She asked "I tried telling the principal but she thinks that im lying " I nearly yelled in anger. "I think when you get home you need to tell your parents miss (L/n)". With that I stood up adjusting my skirt,then thanked the teacher and went to my next class

                                                                  (Time skip)

"What did you write your essay about (Y/n)?" Zaneeta asked holding onto my arm,we made our way out of the school and down the road as we began walking home,the weather had gotten gloomy and it had started to rain but luckily Zaneeta had an umbrella handy and had it opened over the two of us. I was staring at the floor thinking about the exausting day I had just barely survived,I felt my arm being violently being shaken. "Oh uh, spider...puppies" I mumbled,we both looked at each other then burst out laughing " There's the (Y/n/n) I know and love" she gasped between laughs

We walked down the long street and stopped over a building with a large roof that shielded us from the rain just by the robots,we stood waiting for them to turn green, Zaneets let go of my arm and turned to talk to one of her hundreds of friends. I sighed and zipped up my matric jacket when I felt Zaneeta grab my waist, I smiled and turned to face her but the person holding me was not Zaneeta but the man with the white hoody. As soon as I realized who it was he pulled out a knife and put it against my side and pulled me closer, "Times up,I Told you I was coming for you" he said in a deep menising voice. My heart was racing so fast I could feel it in my throat,I could feel my beenie was askew on my head but the worse part was that no one even noticed what was happening.

I had to think fast,what was he going to do to me? Was he going to kill me or torcher me? I couldn't allow that! Not today! I took a deep breath,then using all my strength I elbowed the man in his stomach causing him to let go of me. I turned around to look at the robots which were still red,I looked at the street that had cars zooming fast by but I couldn't let that stop me. I took a look at the man who has almost recovered from my blow,he saw me looking back at him and lunged at me,I turned and bolted into the rain and busy road,only allowing him to pinch my left side

I dashed across the road causing cars to swerve and break as they tried to avoid me,I made my way to the other side of the road. Pushing past the people in my way I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the train tracks,I made a sharp turn by the mechanic where he worked and started running towards the hole in the fences of the train tracks where I would cross but my adrenaline rush was short lived as a rock I had failed to see had tripped me and I came crashing into a muddy puddle,hitting my head hard against the ground causing my right eyebrow to start bleeding.

I layed there trying to catch my breath observing my surroundings when I was met by the sight of them cracking up at my misfortunes. I furrowed my eyebrows at a sudden sharp pain in my side,I looked down at my side to see blood soaking my maric jacket and the handle of the knife the man was threatening me with,he had stabbed me when I ran away. Taking the handle of the knife and pulling it out of my side letting more blood gush out of my new wound. Their laughter stopped as the saw me pull the knife out of my side "Oh My God (Y/n) Are You Ok?!" He yelled from the side of the fence a worried expression plastered on his face

Ignoring him I stared at the blood covered knife in my bloody hand,then I heard heavy foot steps behind me then I saw the man with the white hoody rounding the corner. Adrenaline pumped through my veins again as I pushed myself off the ground and began runing away again,I was soaking wet and dirty from the ground and pouring rain my body was in pain and my head spining. Picking up the speed I felt a foot kick me in my stomach,knocking my wind out as the force knocked me onto the ground. I groaned in pain rapping my arm around my stomach and rolling so that my face was facing the floor. It felt like I was under water,I could hear his muffled screams and banging on the gate. Tellling me he was locked insie.

A hand lightly grabbed my arm and gently pulled me up,I was face to face with a man in a feminine mask, "please don't make this harder then it is" he pleaded with me. "No" I chocked out trying to pull my arm from his grip,he grabbed my arm tighter "Fine then be that way" I stared at him with tears in my eyes trying to pull my arm from his grasp but failing miserably. "I'm sorry" he said sympathetically," No, im sorry" I said stabbing him in the side with the bloody knife I still had in my hand, pulling it out. He let go of me stumbling back,I picked up my foot and kicked him hard in his stomach causing him to fall to the floor

I turned around to see the man with the white hood,we stood in a stalemate and I tightend my grimp on the knife. I wasn't prepared to be taken out this way ,not now ,not today I will decide when I go! With my new found confidence I charged at him stopping right in front of him,I lifted the bloody knife over my head, ready to stike down at him with the last bit of strength I had left. As I was about to strike I felt a sharp pain in my neck then a arm wrapping around my waist, I could see this was a third man with a navy mask and he had just injected me with something. My mind couldn't comprehend what was happening,it was happening so fast. I felt my body starting to get weak while I still held the knife over my head.

I looked at the hooded figure that now stood smugly in front of me and watched him show his face for the first time. I could feel my heart stop as I saw his white skin, eyelidless eyes with dark circles around them but what made my stomach sink was the sickening everlasting smile carved into his cheeks. He then somehow widened his smile and uttered the words "Go To Sleep" in that moment it clicked I knew exactly who I was dealing with.

The knife dropped out of my weak hand and I could still hear the muffled cries of the idiot banging on the gate,was he trying to act the hero,he didn't care he never did, he chose her from the begining,he just used me. Besides he couldn't save me now,no one could,my arm fell limp against my side

And then everything went black...

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