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Regina was waiting for her at the airport for the 14 hour trip that Emma had gotten on to come to her city.

The girl she had been friends with for two years but has never met.

She bites her lip as she lets her mind wander about meeting someone who she knows but doesn't really know.

Sure they've skyped and texted practically everyday but that didn't mean Emma was being truthful the whole time.

"Regina!" She heard a girl squeal.

Regina turned and her heart sped up as she watched the blur of a girl bolt over to her. The genuine excitement on her face had Regina drop any worries.

Regina moved to meet her but Emma was already in front of her.

Regina's nose filled with the scent of vanilla and strong arms were wrapped around her in a second.

"Hi, Regina. Nice to finally meet you." Emma whispered in a cracked voice and a smile in her tone.

How had Regina thought for the better part of an hour that Emma was nothing but genuine?

"Never let me go." Regina mumbled into the girl's shoulder with a smile pulling at her own lips and tears ruining her eye makeup.

"That'll be a bit awkward, won't it?" Emma teased softly and Regina chuckled.

Emma was certainly the same perfect girl she had gotten to know.

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