Chapter 16

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Emma's car flew down the street. It was late at night and street were cleared. She sped towards her house. Her heart hammered away in her chest and adrenalin pumped through her system.

She was terrified but she was holding it in. Her anxiety kicking in big time as she kept looking back to make sure no one was following her espically him. She held on to the steering tightly and increased her speed. 

She wanted to get home as soon as possible. She wanted to be around people who could control Ethan. She was sure that he was coming for her. She had provoked the beast. She had seen that dangerous glint in his eyes when she ran away.

Emma was speeding in the empty highway when two black trucks pulled up behind her on either side. Her small sports car was caged between the two trucks. She increase her speed and so did the trucks. She tried to change lanes but the trucks blocked her path.

She rolled her eyes in irritation and tried to look at the ass-holes messing with her. The windows were tainted and she couldn't see anything. She was 100% sure that it was Ethan. He loved tapping her. He lived to annoy the shit out of her. 

She was so going to beat the living day lights out of him once she got out of this car. She growled and stepped on the accelerator in an effort to shake him off.

"Fuck you."

She screamed at the truck that pulled up to her right side, trapping her once again.

The tainted window slid down.


The bullet bounced off the metal roof her car, spark flew. Her car swayed to the side but she quickly controlled it. Her eyes widen in shock, she gssped. What the fuck? She was being shot at.


She screamed.

Emma quickly turned the steering wheel to control her car when the truck on her left slammed into her. Her small car was pressed into the truck on her right and electric spark flew as they sped down the road.

She held the steering wheel to keep her car from flipping over as she tried to turn her car the other way. She didn't have enough of time to move her car before the truck on her left banged into her once again and started to pressed into the other truck.

Her tires screeched stubborn against the road. Both squished her car from either side. She panicked.

Emma stepped on the break to stop the car but nothing happened. She slammed her put down on the break again and again but the car refuse to stop.

She swallowed and stared ahead in two darkness of the night. Her eyes wide with fear. Her breaks were failed. was she going to die like this?

She panicked and started slamming her foot against the break more readily. The windows of her car shattered and she was covered in glass.

She was sweating and panting as she tried to save her life. The metal of car started to crack under the intense force from both truck squeezing her.

She held on to the steering wheel to keep the car as steady as possible. Both trucks passengers continue to shoot at her. She ducked her head but at the same tried to maintain the speed.

She looked through the mirror and another truck pulled up behind her. Great she was surely dead now. Her life was so fucking great.

The truck behind her started shooting as well but not at her but at other trucks squishing her.


The truck on right flipped over. She got a chance to get away and she zoom forward in an effort to shake the other truck away. The truck behind her pulled up to her right side now.

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