AU plot idea

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Most of these are fairly short to fit in the 1000 character limit in instagram's captions.
All of them have photos of "OTP prompts" which is what the oneshot is based off of. You get it?
Any AU plot is free to use, I guess. As long as I get some sort of credit. Happy reading. x

What if Emma was rebellious? She didn't truly feel like being the prim and proper princess her parents wanted her to be? She wanted to feel alive and free. Riding horses free in the forest, stealing from the rich for the thrill, giving to the poor to be fair and, most importantly, making her own decisions. With this rebellion, she attempted to steal from the Evil Queen.
Maybe Regina finds Emma's courage to steal from her endearing, foolish, but still endearing. It's been awhile since someone stood up to her and that she had the chance to "play". So Regina lets her off with a warning and a threat. That Emma takes as a challenge. So they have this back and forth of wits, predictability and magic. (Emma's product of true love, she can counter Regina's magic without knowledge that she can do so) They enjoy the game too much and lose the original malice behind it. It's just them smirking at each other and, occasionally, Emma winking up at Regina when she passes a trick or trap. Emma finally sneaks into the castle and has claimed a jewel necklace as her prize. Regina shows up in front of her in a puff of smoke, "All that just for this?" Regina tsked at the blonde. Emma smirked. "All that so I can come back and see you, your highness. It's been a grand time. Perhaps I could steal a kiss as well?" Emma asks playfully as she leans up to mold her lips against the Evil Queen's own. Yet another gutsy move by Emma Swan.

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