Cyber world

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Grade six. We move to a small house again. Me and my two sisters share a room. My brother has a living room. My mom a closet like bedroom. It's Almost Christmas but I enter school before the break. Everyone so nice. People want to hang out with me? They live close. I'm happy. It's Christmas everyone has an iPod. I ask for one for Christmas. But I got it on my birthday instead. I get social media. Facebook,Instagram, kik. I get everyone in my class to follow me on it all. Fights. Everyday fights. Why? Why why why why? Almost everyday I came home crying. I apologize. Why? I didn't do anything most of the time but I did it any way. I didn't want to be lonely. Not again. Group chats about me. Posts about me. Talk behind my back. It hurt it hurt a lot. Worthless worthless. All I remember is worthless. All the way to grade nine. Fight again. Big. I say things. I say a lot of things. Bad things I shouldn't of said. I hate my self I hate my self. "I'll beat you up watch your back at school." Ever since that person said that I was scared. I woke up every morning crying sobbing my eyes out. I called my mom almost all the time. "I can't go to school not today I'm so scarred." We move again because my anxiety attacks became to much. I lived in fear. Everyone everyone everyone. Everyone hated me. All my life.

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