Chapter Twenty one- Birthday wishes

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Ever since that day with Agnes, I have been with Davina practicing my magic and also helping her as well. We are like siblings now, and I would do anything for the girl. I have also been practicing on my own.
So apparently I have two homes now. Nik offered me to stay at his place but I made a compromise because there is so much Mikaelsons I can handle, well, besides Elijah of course.

Nik also got his home back. Marcel and (sigh) Bekka worked against him and had Marcels daywalkers attack him. Did they know how stupid that was? No. Did they figure that out in the end? They definitely did. So I have a room at the Quarter and my Apartment. Oh! I didn't get involved at all with anything to with the controversy that Niks been through.
Hayley and Elijah also made the mistake of accusing Nik of using their baby to create hybrids. And in the end Nik was so hurt that he bit his brother and left him in the woods. I knew Elijah would be fine. I also knew since Hayley was with him she wouldn't get hurt either.
In the end Hayley is living in the Quarter as well. She is not happy at all about it.
Right now I'm at home writing songs and creating more dance choreography. When I get a phone call from the one and only, Nik Mikaelson.
"What do I owe the pleasure my dear friend?" I state to the man. I hear him chuckle over the phone.
"Well love, im haveing this breakfast thing with Marcel and his daywalkers and Id like you to be there." Ya know I try to stay out of these things but he puts me in the middle anyway. .
" Is there a good reason why you want me there?"
"Well love, for support of course, and that Hayley wont come unless you're there as well" I laughed at that. I looked at the time.
"Okay Nik I'll be there in fifteen alright, tell baby momma I'll see her there" Then I hang up to get up and ready. That man is going to be the death of me, I know it..
So I got ready, grabbed my phone and took off to The French Quarter.
Once I got there I walked through the Quarter and see a lot of daywalkers around. Then I hear a scream and it scared the shit out of not just me but the other daywalkers as well. Then a female comes walking more like jogging to me. I think she's another daywalker.
"Oh my god! You're Briar-Rose! I am such a huge fan. I see you perform every time you're there! Oh! Im sorry Im-"
"Tori! don't scare the girl!" I hear Marcel say. I look up at him as he walks over. I give him a hug.
"Haven't seen you in a while Marcel" I say to him. I look back to Tori.
"It was great to meet you Tori. I'll talk to you later" I then notice Nik walking out. He gives me a small smile and I give one back.
We then walk to the dining room where I see Hayley at the end of the table. She sees me, gets up and hugs me tightly."I'm so glad you're here, I don't think i could handle this on my own, also, after this come to my room I got you something." she says and smiles at my reaction. Oh yea, today is my birthday.. I only told a few people about it so it wouldn't be a big deal.
We were all seated and I noticed Marcels friend Diego staring at me. Uh...okay then? Nik then stands up to make a toast.
I zoned most of it out and saw waiters bleeding into cups, making me and Hayley look disturbed. Then Nik says something I wasn't expecting.
"I'd like to also make a toast to my guest, and wonderful friend, who has been by my side since we met. For her beautiful work of art in the music, and dance  industry. Also, Happy birthday love" I looked at him shocked. He then says to kill the wolves in the Bayue. While he was about to finish I flung my knife at him, stabbing him in the arm and the table got quiet. Nik looks at me appalled.
I was pissed off.
"If any of you lay a finger on those wolves I'll kill you all myself, And I bloody mean it!" I then get up, grab Hayley and start to head upstairs until I heard my name being called. I looked and saw Diego was who called me. I looked at Hayley, telling her I'll meet her up and she heads off. I look back to the man and smile at him.
"what can I do for you?" I ask him. He looks sheepish so he grabbed my hand and dragged me where no-one can hear.
"I need your help with something" he says nervously.
"Care to elaborate?"
"Could you teach me how to dance?" He asks looking at me. Woah thats new. Before I could answer he speaks again.
"I want it to be a secret. The only person who knew about it was Thierry, but ya know, Marcel locked him away" I look at him. Damn it... Thats where he went. Damn you Marcel. I look at Diego again."On one condition" I say that and he smiles brightly.
"Anything " ahaha
"You got to dance with the wolves and witches as well. It's a secret of mine, I teach everyone together.  To learn to work together and not fight together. Marcel doesn't even know. Klaus doesn't know. Thierry was actually in the class" I state and his eyes go big.
"That's where he went after Katie died!" he says and looks at me again, then sighs.
"Okay, fine, I'll do it, for your sake, and no-one knows about it?" I smile at him.
"Not until the performance in a month" he looks at me scared.
"You sound like Bekka when I gave her the lead at the fundraiser, Trust me, you'll do fine, if a thousand year old original can do it within three days, you'll be perfect by the end of the month." I then gave him my number."I'll send you the address. There are also other vampires there too so you're not the only one. They have their own secrets like everyone else. Like new boy Josh? He's pretty damn good. I know you'd be just as good. Have more faith in yourself " he smiles at me and gives me a hug.
"Thank you so much, I got to get back to Marcel I'll talk to you later alright?" We then head back and before we departed to different sides he shouts my name again. I raise an eyebrow at him. He smiles at me" Happy Birthday Briar" I smile back. "Thank you" then we depart.
I go up to Hayleys room and she gives me her gift. Ugh I told her I didn't want anything!
I open the present and noticed what it was.. and It was absolutely beautiful. I looked up at her teary eyed.
"I know how much you love writing, so I ordered it for you. The only way to open it is by your magic, so you can even create spells in it. Happy Birthday" she says and I run to her and hug her. Tears rolling down my face.
"This is one of the best gifts I've ever received in my life, thank you Hayley" I state. I hear a knock on the door and see Nik there. I give him a smile and walk up to him and hug him. He hugs me back and gives me a smile. He then reaches into his pocket and takes out a box. I looked at him shocked.
"I know it's not me who actually goes out of the way to get  a gift for anyone, but you mean something to me. So happy birthday" he then hands me the box. I open it and my jaw dropped to the floor. It brought tears to my eyes and I look up at Nik shaking. I pull the necklace out with shaking fingers and showed Hayley. She was just as shocked as well. I look back at Nik who was smiling at me. I then turn around so he can put it on me. And so he did.
"You can also store your magic into it whenever you choose" he says while clipping it on. I turn back around and hug him again tightly.
"Thank you" Then I had to leave.

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