Chapter 19

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*Anna's POV*

Rapunzel brings us into the courtyard directly in front of the stairs that lead to the door of the castle. It's where all major celebrations take place ever since Rapunzel was brought back home by Flynn. Or I should say Eugene.

He really grew up as an orphan here and was a criminal here for a while. He left the country as a teenager and went to Burgess. That was where he met Jack and the others training as knights. Of course when Eugene turned 22, he immediately recognized the seal on Rapunzels wall.

So Eugene went back to the kingdom and went back to being the person everyone remembered him by. Many people know the story. How it only took him so long to find Rapunzel because it was said that the princess was missing. It wasn't exactly easy to leave a kingdom where you're a wanted criminal.

But he did find Punzie as the story goes. They've never been happier.

Today is the kingdoms annual Sun day. It was made in honor of the queen surviving her sickness while in pregnancy.

Rapunzel thought it would be the perfect opportunity for us to discreetly celebrate Elsa and Jacks engagement here. They're going to publicly announce it back in our own kingdom in Arendale.

A man with a hook for one hand is playing on the piano. He's a remarkable player! I didn't think that I would here such an amazing pianist with only one actual hand.

Elsa and I have both taken off our shoes. We're dancing with the citizens. I laugh throwing my head back. This is so much fun! "Kristoff! Come on!" I say gesturing for him to join.

He shakes his head, right then Eugene nudges him into the mix. I catch Kristoff just in time before he can fall. Eugene crosses his arms laughing to himself.

Kristoff rolls his eyes. "Oh stop it. He did you a favor."

"He didn't have to shove me. Besides I only don't mind because I'm here with you now."

I smile trying to cover up my blush. Kristoff is actually very light on his feet. He takes me through the energetic dance almost flawlessly. It may have helped that he was watching everyone for a while.

"So princess Anna is it?" He asks raising an eyebrow. I hit his arm right before I move away to spin. "You already knew that. I told you ice head."

"Ice head?" He asks laughing a bit.

"Yeah, you know, stubborn, hard to get through."

Kristoff rolls his eyes right before kissing my cheek. "You're lucky I like you." There's a smirk on his face. I have to resist the temptation to wipe it off his face.

He's lucky that I like him too. Or else I would have slapped him silly. Elsa and I come back to each other. She's never looked so happy.

Finally after two long years, the one who she was meant to be with has found her. The best part about the long wait, she fell in love with her knight in shinning armor before they both knew.

And to think, this all started with what we thought was bad luck. Our carriage crashing on that fated road.

"This is most fun that I've ever had Anna!" She says laughing.

"I'm glad! You should be happy. This is a celebration for you guys after all." I say smiling. We both do a twirl then the music ends. Everyone stops and applauds the pianist.

Rapunzel runs up the stairs to hug the pianist. She takes the man's hook hand and lifts it up. The pianist bows to the crowd as we continue to applaud him.

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