Chapter 1

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*Jacks POV*

Two years ago

Swords clang against each other again and again, sweat practically flying off our bodies. Currently I am training my sword fighting skills, with my trainer, Aster Bunnymund.

I have been a knight for almost ten years now. I joined when I was just twelve after my village was attacked. My sister almost died that day.

After that I swore never to be defenseless ever again. So, I took all of my money I have been saving since I was a young boy, and signed up to train to be a knight.

Now, not to brag, but I am one of the best knights who serve.

I lean forward with my sword, it clangs against Aster's. Our swords start to spin. I apply pressure to knock his out of his hand. And before he can react, I knock him off his feet and place the sword just above his throat.

He chuckles. "Well done. You certainly have improved your skills mate." I grin and move away from Aster, then offer him a hand. He takes it and I help him stand.

Aster grabs his sword off the ground, and then a nearby towel. I take one as well. It's nice and cool. A great relief to the hot sun.

Aster pats my bare back. "Jack, you've improved today, and I heard that it is your birthday."

"Yes sir it is."

"Well, I have decided to let you leave early. To enjoy the rest of your day."

I stop drinking my water to stare at him. "Are you serious?" I ask almost not believing my ears. He chuckles. "Yes. Now go before I change my mind."

"Thanks kangaroo." I say as I jog away from him.

"Don't push your luck Frost!" He yells out. I laugh in a mischievous way and head to my room. The sweat room really, inside the training house.

This is where knights, soldiers, anyone who trains, come to change and cool down.

I sit down on the bench and look side to side. No one appears to be inside, so I grab my cup of luke warm water, and chill it with my powers. Yup that's right, I have the power of ice and snow.

I can chill anything at my will. But during the summer is when my powers are at its weakest. So I don't use them often. I drink my freshly chilled water.

"Ah..." I say after finishing it. I get some more water, chill it, and spill it over my face and back. It cools my entire body down. Before I get hot again, I get changed into some clothes, and head out to enjoy my birthday.


My fellow knights have taken me out to a pub to celebrate my 22 years on Earth. They are also my greatest friends. Their names, Flynn Rider, Hiccup Haddack the third, and Kristoff Benjerman.

Flynn turned 22 at the beginning of the year, and he has found his love. She just so happens to be the princess of Corana. He leaves to be with her in the morning, officially.

Hiccup, at 23, has found his sole mate as well. It was heartbreaking for a previous woman he was in courtship with, the warrior Astrid. But Hiccup of course fell in love with his sole mate. Princess Merida of Dunbrock.

Now all who's left, is me and Kristoff, who is 19. They raise their glasses. "To Jack. The most stubborn asshole to ever live. But one we couldn't live without. Here here!" Flynn says.

"Here here!" They all say touching their glasses. I chuckle and shake my head. "Thanks guys. I appreciate your kind words." I say sarcastically.

They all laugh as well. Filling their own with the rest of the pub. "So Jack, are you ready for tonight?" Hiccup asks. He has always been the smartest of the group. By the tone of his voice he can tell that I am nervous.

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