Chapter 12

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*Elsas POV*

Jack forcefully grabs my hands, pressing them against his chest. "See?" He says, seemingly out of breath. Tears start to build up behind my eyes.

No one can ever touch me while I'm using my powers, I could accidentally freeze them. Or send their bodies into the hypothermia. The simple fact that he's able to be unaffected by it brings me to tears.

I move my hands away to hold his face, just to be sure it's not a trick because of his clothes. He's still the same, not a single frost on his cheek. I feel my voice shake. "Oh my God. Jack..Y-you really.."

"Yes really." He whispers.

He lifts one hand to my face, wiping away a tear I hadn't even realized had escaped. His eyes are filled with nothing but compassion, and...I can't believe it, with love maybe.

Jack looks down, takes in a deep breath, and brings his lips to mine. My eyes close, savoring the moment. His lips are sweet, gentle, warm and soft. Capturing me, igniting a fire within. Sparks fly between us as I begin to kiss him back.

My arms wrap around his neck as I kiss him with the same gentleness. My first kiss. Jack holds me close as our kiss deepens.


Jack and I jerk away. Seeing Anna in the doorway her mouth wide open. My face flushes. "Anna.."

Jacks face turns red as he rubs the back of his neck. "Jack, you should go. I need to talk with my sister." Anna says crossing her arms.

Jack looks at me before leaving. The taste of his kiss coming back to me in that one look. Anna shuts the door. I prepare myself for her to yell at me. For kissing a guy who couldn't possibly be my sole mate.

Instead she does a girlish squeel and tackles me in a hug. "He kissed you!!! So how did it happen!? Why did you guys kiss??" She asks quickly.

I gently push her away. "Calm down Anna. I-it just happened." I cross my arms blushing.

"H-he, found out about my powers, happened. Can you please leave it alone?"

Her face falls. She mumbles something under her breath, something about us not finding out. Instead of pressing her, I leave it alone.

"Look Anna, I know that you want Jack to be the one. But, we dock at Corona in a few days. The day after that, I turn 22. It's best if we don't bring it up again."

She snaps back to reality. "What?? Why??"

"Oh come on Anna. The moment he finds out that I'm a queen, he'll want nothing to do with me."

"But Elsa, he's a knight. There's no possible way-"

"Just forget it Anna. I've decided not to go on land tonight when we restock. It's better this way.." I mumble, no matter how much I enjoyed being kissed by him.

Anna sighs dropping her head. "For once Els, follow your heart. Please." She gives me a hug. "I'm going to check to see if we need anything before we dock tonight."

"Don't spend too much."

"Yes mom."

I smile half heartily and sit down. For so long, I've wanted to kiss Jack. Now it's finally happened. It felt amazing to be kissed by him. His lips tasted like mint, icy cold yet warm. My heart was beating so fast and so loud, I thought it was going to burst through my chest.

Oh and his hands...his hands gave me goosebumps, he was hardly pressing down too. Jack was gentle, as if I could break at any moment.

I want that again. I want for Jack to hold me, for him kiss me. Even now I can still his breath on my skin, the feeling of his lips on mine.

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