Chapter 22: Whisper's In The Dark

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As minutes went on, the voices died out into an oblivion. Silence surrounded the darkness around me, as I continued to walk into absolutely nothing. If it wasn't for the soft warm feeling that rested upon my hand I would have thought that I was alone. But I was alone. I had been walking for what felt like hours and I still hadn't came to any kind of destination. There was nothing there. The darkness was the only think that accompanied me.

That and the beeping.

The beeping continued and I eventually tuned them out. The silence would've drove me insane but the darkness was worst. Seeing nothing but nothing made me think I was blind and that eventually I was going to run into something and have a massive brain injury or something of that nature. I wanted to just stop and sit down like I was when I discovered that I was in this place but something told me that I should keep on moving. I looked down but I couldn't see feet. I tried to remember what I had on but the memory was  unclear.

As my walking continued I began to hear voices again. They voices weren't of the ones who I had been listening to in the beginning. They sounded like voices of the past. Words I had heard before in my youth. "What are you doing Jacob?" my accent scared me. I began to see a light, the dim light of the kitchen. I saw myself as a young girl. My long brown hair was in a pony tail with curls at the end. I had on a yellow dress and black shoes with white socks. I only remembered dressing that way for church.

I was staring at my brother confusingly.  He was on a step stool cleaning off the counters and cleaning out the sink. Something that was rare. He hated cleaning. "I'm cleaning up in case momma comes home." He didn't even look up at me he continued scrubbing.

I watched as the younger me picked up a sponge and started scrubbing counters.

" You actually thought she was gonna come back?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned to see him standing in front of me.

I gasped. " Luther?"

"You knew she wasn't going to come back. You just wouldn't allow yourself to believe it. "

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

He pointed towards us again. I was now standing in front of a window in the living room watching the road. Waiting for someone to pull up. I looked older now as if I was about fifteen. I watched as I turned myself away from the window and walked out of the kitchen. There was bickering coming from the kitchen. I walked over towards the door where Kelsi and Josh stood. Josh had something in his hand. " Mom wouldn't-"

"Mom?" She shook her head angrily." Why does get name even come out your mouth anymore?! She is not coming back, you know she's not coming back!"

"You don't know that..." he said in a faint whisper.

"You're just like her, so fucking gullible. You maybe my big brother and all, but you're not her and you're not Daddy either. "

"I'm not trying to be like either one, Kelsi! I'm trying to keep you from ending up just like them, and this" he held up the plastic bag. " this is going to get you right where they are!"

She snatched it from his hand." I. don't. care!"She turned and walked out of the kitchen, storming up the stairs. My brother took his working gloves off the counter and walked out of the house. I heard both the door slam at the same time.

I turned to him." Are you showing me this?"

He nodded." Yes,"


"Kelsi seemed pretty upset." he said softly.

I pursed my lips." I told you you should have had some worry for her."

He raised his eyebrow at me." What was in the bag?"


He nodded the pointed towards the next room. This time it was my bed room. I was sitting on my window seat writing in my note book. Something I spent most of my time doing. Just then Kelsi burst through my door. " Where is it?!"

I looked up at her clueless, "What?"

" You know you have it, you little bitch." She grabbed my arm and pulled me up from the seat. " Where'd you put it!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"I said as I struggled to get out of her hold. " Kelsi, you're hurting me!"

"Where is it?!" She began pulling my drawers out and dumping my clothes out.

"Kelsi! Stop!" I yelled as I watched her tare my whole room up.

She stopped and turned around and stared at me. Her shoulders moving up and down as she caught her breath. "Where'd you put my stuff?"

I watched as I stepped back shaking my head." I flushed it..."

"You crazy BITCH!!!!!!" she charged at me. Slapping my face. I was fighting her back as hard as I could but she was so much stronger than I was. The my brother came in telling her to stop as she pulled her off of me."I hate you, I hate you! I wish you wouldn't have never been born!" she yelled as she fought my brothers so she could get more of me. "You're the reason why she left. You're the reason why she doesn't love us anymore!"Then my brothers took her out of the room.

Leaving me there alone.

I turned to Luther,"Why-"

"Just watch,"

I raised my eyebrow at him but still looked. I was now standing in the mirror looking at the scar that she left. I had tears in my eyes. "Its okay, its okay." I was telling myself repeatedly as I walked over the mess, getting a band-aid to cover it up. I still had that scar; right by my left eye. "Don't cry..." My face was beat red and I was shaking as I tried so hard to holds back the tears.

"It's you that I should be worried about."

I look back at him giving him a crazy look. " What?"

"You're the one they all should be worries about." he said. "She maybe the black sheep of the family but some of the white ones aren't as white as I they appear to be.

Now I was confused, "Huh?"

"Find yourself before you lose yourself, Theresa." He continued. He was now walking away from me." Before you lose all that you love."

"Wait, Luther!" I tried to run after him but he had disappeared into the darkness. I stood there alone. In the darkness. The feeling on my hand had faded along with the whispers in the dark. The whispers of my past. The whispers of my future.

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