Chapter 6: A Painful Reunion

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Chapter 6: A Painful Reunion

Jasmine moaned and opened her eyes, at least she thought she did, but everything was still dark. She realised she was blindfolded. Then she remembered what happened the night before. It all hit her like a hurricane.

Jackson was on the floor, unconscious, the carpet was a mess.



Her head was spinning.

"Stand up slowly with your hands up, and your eyes closed."

Jasmine groaned. She felt a headache coming on. She wanted to reach for her head like she always did, but she couldn't, her wrists were bound together behind her.

"I got, she's asleep right now..."

Jasmine automatically went still, her survival instincts were acting up.

"...okay, whatever. I don't care what the fuck you do, I'll keep her for as long as I can." She heard him stop talking. His voice was strong, deep and soothing. She could tell he put the phone down.

"Look...I...I don't know what I did, but...please, I beg you, let me go...please..." Her lips trembled with every word. She was scared for her life. Her heart rate increased and she began to breathe hard.

She heard the footsteps walk toward her and she didn't believe it, but she was more scared than before. The blindfold was gently untied from the back of her head and pulled off. Jasmine blinked more than she ever did in that minute, eyes adjusting to the light. Her eyes locked instantly with a pair of brown eyes that stared back at her. The man was wearing a mask, so she only saw his eyes. He tossed the blindfold randomly and walked back to his station where Jasmine's eyes widened at the variety of guns. She looked around. The room wasn't painted. She was sitting on a chair landed against the wall. Her hair, not maintained from the night before was annoyingly frizzy.

Jasmine's eyes locked on the man who minded his own business. He had the biggest afro she had ever the last eight years. She could tell he was physically very fit and he wore all black. Jasmine looked down. She was still in her pajamas, clean. Thank God, she thought. She looked up again at the stranger. "U-um...hello?"

He looked at her for a short moment before mumbling, "Hi."

"Did I...did I do something?" She was still crying.

Huey looked at her and felt a cold stab to his chest. "No..."

"Then why--"

"Shush, just...please." His phone rang and he picked it up, still looking at her. "What the fuck do you want now?"

"I figured we should just kill her now, save us the trouble. Just take a video of her now for footage just in case he wants proof that she's alive. We'll use that and make the 'exchange' after he frees my men."


Jasmine was sobbing.

"Did I stutter?" Beep.

"Don't kill me, please!" Jasmine was struggling in her seat. "I didn't do anything wrong! At...At least I don't think I did!"

Huey looked at the phone again and clutched it in his hand. He sent an email back to the number.
From: Freeman
To: Shadow
Subject: Kidnap

Message: its done.

Message sent.

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