E I G H T E E N - Destruction

Start from the beginning

You pull your hands closer to your chest and continue forwards, stepping over the rubble of the fallen fence.
A small cozy sentry station was next to catch your sight.

Bottles and packets of ketchup everywhere, hotdog buns and hot dogs themselves in shreds.
It looked at it it had been raided by savage beasts and the carnage was left for all all see.

You frown and back away from it and look around, you tug your cloak hood down a bit more and tighten the knot keeping it together around your neck.

A feeling of nostalgia washes over you as you near a abandoned looking town. A diners roof caved in and the libary's door three feet away from the building itself.
Inside, the books thrown everywhere, mist pages torn out and folded into swans of those small fortune tellers.
Some even small knives.
There on the table, that had been split in half, was a large pile of dust, it was spread out around and spelt
'Best puzzle maker in all the Underground!'
Out on the floor.
You shudder and continue onwards.

You next come upon a dead evergreen tree, decorated much like for a holiday tree.
A glittering star sat atop it, half of the top missing and no where to be found.

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