TWO × bubbly

322 17 5

You watch as the silhouette grows closer and closer. Larger and larger. Until and extremely large skeleton stood in front of you. He hadn't seemed to notice your presence.

"SANS-" He seemed to have notice you, you sheepishly wave up at him.

"OH, MY, GOD. SANS! IS THAT- IS THAT A HUMAN?!!" Papyrus clasps his gloved hands over his "cheeks" Sans looks over to you, yet not at you. "Nah, bro, that's a tree shaped like a human." You furrow your brows and look over at a tree, the oddly enough did look like a human.

Papyrus's shoulders slump and he looks greatly disappointed. "Look next to it, that's a human." Papyrus stands up straight as he seemed to grow overjoyed.

"HUMAN! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SHALL CAPTURE YOU AND BRING YOU TO UNDYNE!" Papyrus confidently claims, placing a gloved fist over his chest, "NYEH, HEH HEH!" He laughed and raced off forwards. You giggle, a smile now refusing to leave your lips.

"C'mon kiddo, don't wanna make him wait too long. He might to start feeling Bone-ly." You giggle again and follow Sans forward. You being to jog and pass Sans eager to see what Papyrus was planning. You stop at a small sentry station and peeked inside. Many bottles of ketchup out numbered the other condiments.

"Nosey are we" You jump and playfully pout at Sans as he leans on the side of the sentry station. You gently grab his sleeve and begin to pull him forwards. "Come on!" You giggle pull Sans along with you. Your chest bubbly with excitement of an adventure.

"Heh, hey slow down kiddo." Sans chuckles, his cheekbones dusted over with a light blue as you dragged him forward, your grip slowly loosened as you began to grow tired. You hold in a yawn as you roll your shoulders. "Well then come on!" You stop and turn around, a small smile still stuck to your lips.

Sans stuffs his hands into his coat pockets. "You go ahead kiddo, I'll meet you up ahead." Sans turns around and walks back towards where he came from. You stare at his back confused before deciding to trust he won't get lost and turn back around.

You rub tour shoulder, a small crack sounds from your fingers making you jump. You giggle at yourself and begin to jog forwards while taking in the beautiful scenery. You follow the boot prints in the snow, now that your alone you yawn and stretch your arms in front of you.

In your excitement, you forgot just how tired your fight with goat mom made you. And just how cold snow is.

You come up to Papyrus and Sans. Giving Sans a quickly dumbfounded glance you smile at Papyrus. Papyrus began to explain the puzzle. You nod as he talks and stare at the puzzle laid out.

× Time Skip brought to you by: Me Being Lazy ×

You pick at the frozen pasta, with sauce and everything. You stomach rubbled adding one more thing to your mental to-do list.

1. Sleep ×
2. Ask Sans how he got in front of you ×
3. Get warm ×
4. Eat ×

You crack you nuckles as you move over to the microwave. Its screen red that a minute and ten seconds remained for cook time. You smile and attempt to open the microwave door. It was frozen shut.

You pout and shuffle I've to the small mouse hole. You kneel doen by it.

* You hope the mouse is nice and warm in his home.

You stand up and continue forwards, unwillingly leaving the food.

You approach the two brothers, only now realizing both of their names are fonts. You mentally flick yourself for your stupidity.

I mean, your favorite font was Sans! The sight of a paper on the ground caught your attention as you quickly looked back up at the font bros. "HUMAN! THIS IS ONE OF MY NEWER, MOST DIFFICULT, MOST- NEW PUZZLES!" You take that as a sign to look at the paper. You bend down and pick up a thing called 'Junior Jumble'

You look around the ground where the paper had been, finding no pencil or writing material you set the paper down. Papyrus is either impressed or extremely angered. "WOWIE!"


You smile awkwardly at him. You fold your hands over your stomach and felt as your eyelids began to droop and black dots invaded your vision. The font bros rush over to you, you mumble and apology.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just a bit tired." Your eyes closed as you stumble forwards falling to the side as you passed out. You just so happened to fall on Sans, somehow.

Weren't you just walking away from him?

Sans holds you with one arm and slips off his jacket, Papyrus began to panic a little. "SANS, ARE HUMANS SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?!" Sans wraps his jacket around your shoulders and zips it up. He pulls the hood on top your head for good measures.

Sans lifts you up in his arms "I think they pass out if they don't get enough sleep?" Sans replied, though it sounded more of a questions.

The two skeletons rushed back to Snowdin. You curled up in Sans's coat desperately trying to regain warmth.

Sans pushes the front door of his house with his back and sits down on the lime green coach, you clutched to his white turtle neck as you shivered in your sleep.

Papyrus sits on the floor Indian style watching as Sans began to carefully pry your fingers off without hurting you. "Um, Papy wanna make the human your famous spaghetti?" Papyrus shoots up, doing his signature laugh he bounces into the kitchen.

Sans sat back on the coach giving up on prying you off. "Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Sans wraps his arms around your side like he had when he was holding you and rested his head on the back of the couch, immediately he fell asleep. Papyrus poked his head from the doorway of the kitchen.

He watched for a moment as your chest rose, then Sans's, your chest fell then Sans's. After a minute your breathing seem to almost synchronize.

Now, we wait till they wake up.

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