Chapter Ten: Dark vs. Good

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   Thoughts crossed through my head. "What if I'm stuck here forever?" Was the main one. The only thing I could do was shout. And I did. "Help! Help!" I yelled. "Ugh! Why did you put that peaty little girl from my class in the closet Kylie?!" Mrs. Goon said annoyed.
   "I dunno." Kylie replied. The closet doors opened. I was up with my wand pointed at Mrs. Goon. "Oh! So I see, you want a fight," she said, "well, I'll give you one!" Her wand zapped at me. I sprang over. I sent a strike to her. She fell back and broke the dining table! Kylie pushed me onto the table, and I flipped across it. She sent a spell at me. It hit me! It sent me all the way across the room.
   I sent one back. It hit her! A man charged at me. My fist hit him in the face! He fell to the ground. I looked up to see Juniper about to get hit! I sent an explosive spell up at the women. She  tripped down the stairs. I was able to save Juniper. My arms wrapped around him. "Go to Megan and I's room!" I demanded Juniper. He flew off to the rooms.
   Kylie, Mrs. Goon, and the man came towards me at once! I had a choice. I could either let them capture me, or crash the chandelier, and zap all of them at once. I chose the chandelier. I sent an explosive spell up at the chandelier. It fell and they bounced back! Clouds of dust were everywhere. I sent a huge zap in the middle they all passed out!
   I ran out of the dining hall, and called for help. I saw a teachers head poke out of his classroom door. "Is everything alright?" He asked. "No! I had a major battle all by myself with a dark magic group!" I shouted back at him. He ran downstairs as soon as possible. We walked back into the dining hall. "Did you knock the chandelier down?!" The teacher asked. "Yes sir, because these people were trying to capture me, so I had to do it to knock them out." I replied. "Okay, I completely understand." He said. "So, are you going to tell Headmistress Valarie?" I asked. "Yeah, but I'll say what you said. We could probably reconstruct it in no time!" He answered. "Okay!" I said. I started to walk to my dorm because classes were already over.

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