Chapter Eight: Detention

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   I sat down in one of her comfortable seats. Kylie walked through the door smiling! "Why didn't I say anything first?!" I thought to myself, while looking at Kylie with my hair in my face. "Hey, I just noticed yo don't have your hair in pigtails," she laughed, "Oh, did your mommy not fix them for you, BOO-HOO!" I rose up out of my seat. "First thing, DON'T TALK ABOUT MY HAIR! Second thing, SHUT UP ABOUT MY MOM!" I bursted.
   "Now, I definitely know your not going to be here much longer." She groaned. I sat back down, cheeks red. Professor Valarie walked in the door. She shut it. "So, Kylie let's hear from you first." She demanded. "Well, Selena poured punch all over me, and then sushi! Get this! She also struck me ten times with her wand, I got bruises now!" Kylie straight up lied. "Oh, I see, Selena your turn.
   "Okay, none of what she said was true. She poured the punch on me, but I poured sushi on her. She tried to strike me with her wand, but I dodged it. I strikers her from behind." I poured out. "What I say is detention for both of you!" Professor Valarie yelled. We nodded. I couldn't believe that my first year I had detention!
   She escorted us to our rooms. I lay down on my bed, bundled up under the covers. The door opened. It was Megan. "Hey Selena!" She exclaimed. "Hey." I sighed a reply. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Don't worry about it, it's no big deal." I mumbled. "Okay, if you say so." Megan replied.
   My eyes started to shut. I was so so so, tired. But before I went to sleep, I looked at a picture of my family. I decided I was going to leave the academy.

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