My eyes widen with consciousness as I see a binder that doesn't belong to me disseminated with the contents of my bag on the floor. I clearly bumped into a member of the walking mountains. In fact, this man is the Mount Everest of the mountains; so damn tall.

"Sorry. Didn't see you there." I muttered as we both bent down to retrieve our stuff.

"What are you, blind?" He tells me while he stands up with his binder as a small crowd gathers around us.

I can't deny his handsomeness, but he was also at fault. He clearly didn't bother moving aside to let me pass, but rather bump into ME and place the blame on ME.

"I did apologize, didn't I?" I was beginning to annoyed. I stood up with my belongings confidently.

"Well then teach that stupid brain of yours to communicate with your fucking legs." He stated frustratingly.

Excuse fucking me? Who on good gods land is he to speak to me like that?

I really need to get out of here before I explode and go all Miley Cyrus on him. I manage to maintain my anger towards him, not even glimpsing at him as I escort past him.

"Fucking finally someone listens." I hear him mumble to himself, or rather more, to his friends.

He sounds Whenever his mouth opens, flames of anger rush through my brain, wanted it to explode.

I stopped in my tracks and huffed angrily, already pissed off because I skipped my stupid breakfast, and now this.

He raised a cocky, annoying eyebrow at me, a smirk twitching at the corner of his lips as he says, "Need me to draw you a map of how to get the fuck out of here?"

"No thanks," I reply calmly. "But if you want, I can draw you a map, so when I tell you to fuck off, you'll know exactly where to go."

I hear everybody standing in the now very crowded hall take an emphatic gasp and stop breathing as they assimilate what I said to this jerk face. By the astonished look on his friends and everyone else, it seemed like no one has ever told him off like how I did.

"What did you say to me?" He says lowly, his voice triggering me like a warning.

Puh-lease. Like I'll allow him to even lay a finger on me.

"Are you deaf? I think you're deaf. Oh wait. You're too fucking stupid to comprehend the truth. You know what, you stuck up Mount fucking Everest? Get your bloody head out of your dumbass and realize that you're not the only living soul around here. Seriously, bud. Calm your tits. If you and your stupid mountains hadn't caused a goddamn snowstorm down this hall, people like me wouldn't have to dodge to avoid destruction, but what do you do? Walk down the same pathway like you own the fucking school. If you really have much of a problem with "blind people" like me, I suggest you note your issues down on a piece of paper and shove it up your dumbass. Great idea for jerks like you." I blabber whatever rage I felt from this morning and from my latest class right at with without even thinking twice.

Not a sound was made in the hallway as everybody took in what I said. Mount Everest looked completely stunned.

It validated me that nobody has ever said anything like this to him before. I take a glimpse of his friends who were laughing, gasping-for-air.

And that's a point for princess Jasmine!

I walk through the crowd that separates for me to walk through, leaving jerk face extremely angry.

"OH MY GOD CHRIS SHE SO TOLD YOU!" I hear one of his mountain friends say, laughing really hard.

More like snorting. Charmingly. Wait, what?

But this jerk mountain's name is Chris.




It was Chris ducking Wild I was talking to!


This isn't good.

So much for telling him off.


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