Chapter 10: Returning Obligations

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I felt really weird when I woke up the next morning. Like I'd forgotten something, or was prolonging the inevitable. It was rather early, so I went to the kitchen to see Baekhyun before he left for work.

"Morning, Soo-Soo." He smiled brightly at me and yawned.

"Morning." I sat down at a chair.

"Are you going to the cafe today? You haven't been working lately."

I thought about it. Was that what I was forgetting? My boss, Xiumin, didn't seem to mind. If he'd needed me back there, he would've called by now. Or he was just too kind for his own good.

"Yeah." I had nothing better to do.

"Are you," He coughed, and I looked up at him. He seemed kind of uncomfortable. "Are you going to respond to that letter?"

Oh. I thought. That's what I was forgetting. And it's true. The sheet of paper had slipped my mind the past day, but Baekhyun had brought its existance back to surface. "I..." I didn't want to answer yet. "I might."

He nodded. "I have to head out, okay? Don't...wander. We still need to talk." 

Right. We hadn't gotten the chance to talk about my strange attitude from days ago because I'd invited Min over. Maybe I should try that again, just to avoid it once more. I sighed. There was no point in doing that. 

 "Yeah. Don't worry." I replied.

"Good." He said, distracted by the clock on the wall. "I gotta go. I'll see you when I get back, alright?" I nodded and he was out the door without another word.

I sat there for a few seconds. Got up. Grabbed a piece of toast. Nibbled on it. Wandered a bit. There was nothing else to do. I shoved my keys in my back pocket and headed out, locking the door behind me. Maybe Xiumin would need me today.


"Kyungsoo!" My boss greeted me with bright eyes and a perky smile. He was busy rearranging the tables and chairs while one lone customer sat in the corner of the shop.

"Hi." I said sheepishly. I didn't know what else to say.

"I'm glad you showed." And he did look that way, like he was genuinely happy I decided to show my face in this place.

"I'm glad I came." I want behind the counter like I usually did and asked him what there was to help out with. He set me with organizing the different toppings and whatnot before more people showed up. 

The cafe was a nice place, I have to admit. Dim lights, the creaky wooden floor and mahogany furniture. The smell of sweets and coffee completely enveloped the small space and it was delightful. I didn't like coffee much, but I liked the smell. I blamed Baekhyun for that, however. He was the one always absorbing the drink in the mornings like oxygen. 

"Sorry I haven't shown up lately." I quietly apologized to Xiumin when he came over to the counter with a rag in hand.

"It's fine, really." He started wiping down the table. "To be honest, it's not as if we get floods of people coming here everyday like Starbucks or something. So any help you decide to offer is more than enough." He flashed me another smile. 

I guess that was Xiumin's power: the ability to make anyone see the bright side of things. It was nice being here. I started to wonder why I didn't come more often. The atmosphere was calming and contagiously so; I started to feel more peaceful too.

"Are you going to be staying for the whole day, Kyungsoo?" Xiumin asked. Shifts. Right. I hadn't thought about that. Xiumin didn't care too much about my shifts (I was one of his very few employees) so I shrugged lightly.

"Yeah. I think I will." I could get addicted to this relaxing aura.

"Great." He ruffled my hair. Being the eldest of us two, he took care of me like a little brother whenever I came for work. I didn't mind much.

Xiumin takes orders and I make them. I'd already long ago told him I wouldn't be able to take it if I had to smile and ask people what they wanted or how they're doing all day long. And without any questions, he'd told me he'd take the register. He was a great guy.

Of course, lingering at the cafe all day was just a big distraction. There was a piece of paper hidden away in the back of my drawer, waiting for me. I tried my best not to think about it.

At the closing hour, he waved me goodbye and I left the shop. I deliberately took slow steps, placing one foot after the other and staring down at the ground. When I raised my head, I saw a familiar figure ahead, her head also down and her hands deep in her sweater pockets. Hwa Min was wearing skinny jeans and boots, and she looked done up. Not like the first day I'd met her. No, she was with someone.

I wanted to say hi. Wanted to walk up and casually say, "Hey, Hwa Min. Fancy bumping into you again." But I saw who was with her. That towering figure beside her was that guy -- Kris -- and when I thought agout it, I felt bothered. My chest hurt. 

They were across the street, about to cross to this side. And I needed to cross to the other side. The light turned red and the little white light popped up, allowing pedestrians to cross. I kept my head low and walked right by them, just as I heard Min laugh at something he said.

The whole rest of the way home, I thought of nothing. Absolutely nothing. I unlocked the door, fell down onto the couch, and stared at the ceiling.

When will Baek be back?


I finished making dinner right when I heard Baekhyun come in. "Soo?"

"In here." I said to him.

I laid out the dishes on the table and saw his eyes light up. He was starving, no doubt. He sat down and immediately started eating, to which I chuckled and he glared at me.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Eat as much as you want." I told him. 

When we'd both finished, he sat back and looked at me. "Kyungsoo, are you going to reply to that letter?" His voice was low and serious, and I was almost taken aback by the sudden change in tone.

I stood up and brought the plates to the sink. Turned on the water. Stayed quiet for a bit. "Yes." I replied after some time. "I am."


I nodded.

"Alright." He got up and patted me on the shoulder. I gave him a small smile and he left to take a shower, leaving me alone with only the sound of running water and a million thoughts running through my head.


I sat down with a blue-ink pen in hand and pulled out the letter.

Dear Kyungsoo,

What was there to tell him? What was going on with my life? How to respond to such a thing?

Suddenly, an image of Hwa Min flashed through my head. Not the one with her and Kris, the one with her by the swings, waiting for someone who didn't come, hopes left hanging on thin strings.

I started to write.


I've been good.


[131225] T^T I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN AGES!!!!!!!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Surprise christmas update? I've been working on Metal a lot recently and I haven't updated Book Of Ships in yeeeaaaaarrrssssss T^T I'm so sorry >< Also sorry this update is a little...weird? And out of style? >< But thank you for being patient and staying with me <3 EXO, Let's love!

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