doctor trip

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"Miss farr" the doctor called I walked slowy in the doctors room i layed down on the table waiting for her to put the jelly stuff on my stomach,"so your think your  pregnant miss farr"? Yes I told her I been throwing up and I been eating more than normal I missed my period also "okay well let's take a look inside" she rolled it over my stomch waiting to hear or see anything nothing was there we both had that puzzled looked on our face "I don't think your pregnant miss howard I don't see anything "donte is going to kill me I was thinking inside okay thank you and I went home. Brandy what the fuck is going on I took the test and both lines came up but when I went there they said nothing was there donte is going to kill me best friend " no he not just calm down it's not like you faked it the test really said you were pregant" brandy said " just chill best friend tell him tonight" okay ima text him he not about to kill me I said laughing.

Wym you not pregnant " when I went to the doctor office it said I wasn't but when I took the test I was in sorry donte I didn't lie to you I don't know why the test showed I was" I looked at my phone wanting to throw it against the wall why would this bitch lie to me about my baby. Well there's nothing left for us I can't do this any more you will always be in my heart but I can't do this any more I sent the text I knew she was going to flip. " it's coo donte IDC I can't keep going through you hurting me and talking to other bitches so go I'm not even tripping" I looked at the phone like damn she took this well.

Brandy I'm kinda happy we over I can't take him keep doing me wrong I'm tired of crying maybe this was a sign from God that we don't need to be toghther."yea I think you should just end it cuz this went way to far" yea I think your right I told my best friend well on to the next

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