Lucas /~0-5~\

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Name: "well.... Call me your boyfriend." he smirked wiggling his eyebrows (Lucas meyer)
Age: "just old enough to be a adult~" he chuckled rapping his arm around you
Gender: "do you really need to check?" he smirked leaning towards your face
Sexuality: "now now, i only flirt with ladies!" he laughed
Personality: "oh come on! I dont wanna give away all my secrets!"
(He is mega flirty but behind all the flirt and tuff guy he is really depressed. His whole life revolves around his little sister whos dying of cancer.
He seems to always be stressed and is super caring about people he cares about.)
Looks: "..?" (media)
Likes: "you~"
(He adores his little sister and will do anything for her. He also likes to flirt and play basket ball. In secret he is a writer who writes romance novels along with horror and drama. He loves to write along with you)
Dislikes: "some people."
(He wont say)
Backstory: "umm....." he looks down
(He lived a semi normal life until his father died in a car crash when he was ten. At the time his sister was a new born. For a while his family was doing okay. When he turned 15 his mother lost her job. Within the next two years his sister got cancer. He became a author.)

1. You've known Lucas his whole life. You where a year younger than him and prom was coming up in highschool. You where at his place when he turned to you.
"Hey..... Got a date to prom yet?"

You where new in town. You had gone into a cafe to work when you ran into a worker. It was lucas. He had tear marks down his face and he was holding a phone.
"Ill be right there mom!" he said hanging up.

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